Photocure ASA: A better future for patients with bladder cancer using advanced technologies includes a vital role for Blue Light Cystoscopy with Hexvix®/Cysview®

Oslo, Norway, February 8th  2017, Photocure ASA announced today a publication in the Scandinavian Journal of Urology, describing a vision for improving outcomes for patients with non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC), and the significant role that blue light cystoscopy (BLC) with Hexvix® plays in achieving it. Read the full abstract by clicking here.

"We are pleased that such a renowned group of urologists can see a brighter future for patients suffering from NMIBC, a disease with high recurrence rates, and many costly and invasive follow up procedures and treatments. BLC with Hexvix® clearly has a leading role in this future, especially as its application is expanding beyond the operating room to the outpatient clinic using flexible cystoscopes" says Kjetil Hestdal, MD, PhD, President and CEO, Photocure ASA.

In the article the authors advocate a future where advances in molecular diagnostics, imaging and resection techniques will drive a paradigm shift to personalized care, thereby reducing the burden of disease. This would mean that patients with the poorest prognosis will receive the most aggressive treatment, while low-risk patients are not subjected to unnecessary procedures. Such a holistic and dynamic approach is crucial to curb healthcare expenditure, facilitate adherence to follow-up schedules and improve outcomes in bladder cancer, one of the most frequent and costly cancers.

The authors conclude that their vision is achievable and the role of improved technologies such as BLC with Hexvix® is vital in achieving that goal. 

About Hexvix®/Cysview®
Hexvix® is a drug that is taken up selectively by cancer cells in the bladder making them glow bright pink during Blue Light Cystoscopy (BLC). BLC with Hexvix® improves the detection of tumors and leads to more complete resection, less residual tumors and better management decisions.

Hexvix® is the tradename in Europe, Cysview® in the US and Canada. Hexvix® is marketed and sold by Photocure in the Nordic countries and in the US with the trade name Cysview®. Photocure has a strategic partnership with Ipsen for the commercialization of Hexvix® in Europe, excluding the Nordic region. Please refer to with-Photocure/Our-partners for further information on our commercial partners.

About Bladder Cancer
There are 167 000 new cases of bladder cancer in Europe and more than 59 000 deaths from the disease annually. 79% of all bladder cancer cases occur in men1. It has a high recurrence rate with an average of 61% in year one and 78% over five years, making the lifetime costs of managing bladder cancer one of the highest amongst all. Bladder cancer is a costly, potentially progressive disease for which patients have to undergo multiple cystoscopies due to the high risk of recurrence2. A paper on the economic burden of bladder cancer across the European Union estimates that bladder cancer cost the EU 4.9 Billion Euro in 2012.3

Bladder cancer is a costly, potentially progressive disease for which patients have to undergo multiple cystoscopies due to the high risk of recurrence. There is an urgent need to improve both the diagnosis and the management of bladder cancer for the benefit of patients and healthcare systems alike. 

Bladder cancer is classified into two types, non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) and muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC), depending on the depth of invasion in the bladder wall.4  NMIBC is still in the inner layer of cells. These cancers are the most common (75%) of all BC cases and include the subtypes Ta, carcinoma in situ (CIS) and T1 lesions. MIBC is when the cancer has grown into deeper layers of the bladder wall. These cancers, including subtypes T2, T3 and T4, are more likely to spread and are harder to treat.5

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1. Globocan. Incidence/mortality by population.  Available at: 
2. Leal et al, Eur Urol 2016; 69: 438-447
3. Babjuk M, Burger M, Zigeuner R, Shariat SF, van Rhijn BW, Compérat E, et al. EAU Guidelines on
non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (Ta, T1 and CIS). Eur Urol. 2016 Guidelines Edition:1-40.
3. Sievert KD et al. World J Urol 2009;27:295-300
4. Bladder Cancer. American Cancer Society. Accessed April 2016.
5. Bladder Cancer. American Cancer Society. Accessed April 2016.