SEMAFO: Cash Flow from Operations of $34.9 Million in Third Quarter 2017

Construction of Boungou Mine 63% Complete

Montreal, Quebec, November 8, 2017- SEMAFO Inc. (TSX, OMX: SMF) today reported its financial and operational results for the three-month period ended September 30, 2017.  All amounts are in US dollars unless otherwise stated.

Third Quarter 2017 - in Review

      ·         Zone 9 back on track with good reconciliation to reserves
      ·         Gold production of 53,900 ounces compared to 62,500 ounces for the same period in 2016
      ·         Gold sales of $69.8 million compared to $80.2 million for the same period in 2016
      ·         Total cash cost1 of $557 per ounce sold and all-in sustaining cost1 of $841 per ounce sold compared to $574 and $751, respectively, for the same period in 2016
      ·         Net operating income of $11.8 million compared to $23.0 million for the same period in 2016
      ·         Adjusted operating income1 of $12.9 million compared to $21.5 million for the same period in 2016
      ·         Net income of $13.8 million compared to $19.6 million for the same period in 2016
      ·         Adjusted net income attributable to equity shareholders1 of $8.4 million or $0.03 per share1 compared to $14.9 million or $0.05 per share1 for the same period in 2016
      ·         Cash flows from operating activities2 of $34.9 million or $0.11 per share1 compared to $39.3 million or $0.12 per share1 for the same period in 2016

Boungou Mine
            ·         Development on schedule with $113 million spent out of $231 million
            ·         Construction 63% complete
            ·         Relocation of Boungou residents to newly constructed village
            ·         Completion of over 70% of the total concrete pour
            ·         Installation of the vertimill and completion of the foundations for the SAG mill
            ·         Erection of the leach tanks complete and water tanks halfway complete
            ·         2.5 million man-hours have been worked without lost-time injury
            ·         Extraction of 5.3 million tonnes of pre-stripping material to date
            ·         Signing of a three-year collective agreement with Boungou employees

The Corporation expects to attain the upper end of its 2017 production outlook of between 190,000 and 205,000 ounces of gold, and to meet its all-in sustaining cost outlook of between $920 and $960 per ounce.

1        Total cash cost, all-in sustaining cost, adjusted operating income, adjusted net income attributable to equity shareholders, adjusted basic earnings per share and operating cash flows per share are non-IFRS financial performance measures with no standard definition under IFRS. See the "Non-IFRS financial performance measures" section of the Corporation's MD&A, note 18.
2        Cash flows from operating activities exclude changes in non-cash working capital items.

Mana, Burkina Faso
Mining Operations

month period
month period
  ended September 30, ended September 30,
  2017 2016 Variation 2017 2016 Varia-
ting Data
Ore mined
516,700   555,200   (7 %) 1,499,300   1,620,000   (7 %)
Ore proce-
679,100   751,700   (10 %) 2,086,400   2,039,100   2 %
Waste mi-
3,629,200   3,155,800   15 % 12,215,200   11,424,900   7 %
stripping ratio
7.0   5.7   23 % 8.1   7.1   14 %
grade (g/t)
2.55   2.71   (6 %) 2.47   3.01   (18 %)
very (%)
97   95   2 % 95   94   1 %
Gold ounces
53,900   62,500   (14 %) 156,900   185,100   (15 %)
Gold ounces sold 54,500   60,000   (9 %) 156,100   183,500   (15 %)
(in dollars)
Average realized
selling price (per ounce)
1,282   1,337   (4 %) 1,256   1,261   -
Cash operating
cost (per tonne processed)¹
42   41   2 % 46   44   5 %
Total cash cost
(per ounce sold)¹
557   574   (3 %) 651   542   20 %
All-in sustain-
ning cost
(per ounce sold)¹
841   751   12 % 929   730   27 %
ciation (per ounce sold)²
401   330   22 % 459   312   47 %

1     Cash operating cost, total cash cost and all-in sustaining cost are non-IFRS financial performance measures with no standard definition under IFRS. See the "Non-IFRS financial performance measures" section of the Corporation's MD&A, note 18.
2     Depreciation per ounce sold is a non-IFRS financial performance measure with no standard definition under IFRS and represents the depreciation expense per ounce sold.

2017 Third Quarter Results

During the third quarter of 2017, the ore processed decreased by 10% compared to the same period in 2016 due to the mine plan. The ore processed in the quarter was 679,100 tonnes at an average grade of 2.55 g/t Au, including 216,500 tonnes of low-grade material not included in our reserves.  The latter results from a decision to take advantage of higher gold prices and available milling capacity in order to generate additional cash flow. The lower head grade in the third quarter is a direct result of this decision, without which the head grade would have been 3.42 g/t Au. This includes 240,000 tonnes of ore from Zone 9 at an average grade of 5.0 g/t Au, showing good reconciliation with our reserves.

The Corporation's third quarter gold sales decreased relative to 2016 due to lower gold ounces produced and sold, and results from the mine plan sequence. The 2017 increase in depreciation of property, plant and equipment mainly reflects a higher capitalized stripping ratio from Siou at depth compared to the same period in 2016. Third quarter operating income decreased compared to the same period in 2016, mainly as a result of lower gold sales, higher depreciation and higher share-based compensation expense. The higher share-based compensation expense during the third quarter compared to the same period in 2016 is a result of an increase in our share price.
In the third quarter of 2017, the total cash cost and all-in sustaining cost reached $557 and $841 per ounce sold, respectively, compared to $574 and $751 per ounce sold, respectively, for the same period in 2016. The 2017 all-in sustaining cost increase is due to a higher stripping ratio.

Boungou Mine

Construction of the Boungou Mine continues to advance on time and on budget. As at September 30, 2017, the following achievements had been made:

  • Development on schedule, with $113 million spent
  • Construction 63% complete
  • Relocation of Boungou residents to newly constructed village
  • Completion of over 70% of the total concrete pour
  • Installation of the vertimill and completion of the foundations for the SAG mill
  • Erection of the leach tanks complete with erection of water tanks halfway complete
  • Delivery of most major long-lead items on site: the primary crusher, SAG mill shell and power plant gensets
  • Erection of structural steel ongoing in the pebble crusher, reagent storage, reclaim, grinding, workshop and pipe rack areas
  • Final elevation of water storage facility embankment
  • Commencement of earthworks on the tailings storage facility
  • Pre-stripping continues at the Boungou deposit with 5.3 million of the projected 18 million tonnes extracted
  • 1,695 personnel including contractors were employed on site, 90% of which are Burkinabe
  • 2.5 million man-hours have been worked without lost-time injury
  • Signing of a three-year collective agreement with Boungou employees

Mana Project, Burkina Faso

The Siou at depth program was completed in July prior to the rainy season with 15 core holes (4,400 meters), including three geotechnical drill holes, which also completed the geotechnical study for the program.

Compilation and resource estimation is in progress with the aim of delivering a pre-feasibility study for Siou at depth in the first quarter of 2018.

Also in the quarter, 427 auger holes (6,850 meters) were drilled on the Bara permit along the Siou Shear Zone, some 20 kilometers north of the Siou deposit and 20 kilometers from the Mana processing plant.

Tapoa (Boungou Mine)
West and East Flank Sectors
Data compilation and resource estimation of the West and East Flanks is underway to support the pre-feasibility study that is scheduled for completion in the first quarter of 2018.

Regional Exploration
In the third quarter, a total of 600 meters was drilled in 4 reverse-circulation (RC) holes on the Boungou permit in order to test an auger anomaly located in the southwest part of the 045 Trend. Drilling subsequently slowed down due to the rainy season, and an exploration RC drilling program resumed in October, testing auger targets. A total of 15,000 meters of RC drilling will be carried out in the second half of the year, 5,000 meters of which on the Dangou permit, 4,000 meters on the Boungou permit and 3,000 meters on the Pambourou permit.

During the rainy season, the exploration team completed a soil sampling program (680 samples) covering the southern part of the property along the 045 Trend.

Korhogo Ouest (Côte d'Ivoire)
Following an initial soil sampling and airborne magnetic survey covering the northern part of the property in late 2016 and early 2017, trenching and RC drill programs were initiated. Trenching was completed in the second quarter of 2017, while the RC program commenced in July. The program was designed to provide a preliminary test of some soil sample anomalies. At the end of the third quarter of 2017, a total of 116 RC holes (over 12,200 meters) had been drilled.

Trenching Program
Of the 11 trenches completed, seven returned anomalous gold values. Among these, KOTR17-0003 returned a grade of 8.84 g/t Au (11.46 g/t Au uncut) over 14 meters, including 19.55 g/t Au (25.68 g/t Au uncut) over 6 meters along the south wall of the trench. The north wall of the two-meter wide trench was immediately resampled in order to confirm results and returned 9.19 g/t Au (9.52 g/t Au uncut) over 13 meters. The mineralized zone (dubbed Chigata) is hosted in a moderately east-dipping sheared and sericitized granodiorite containing quartz veining. In addition, KOTR17-006 returned 0.63 g/t Au over 11 meters, KOTR17-0007 returned 0.75 g/t Au over 7 meters, and KOTR17-0011 returned 2.47 g/t Au over 8 meters. These four trenches are spread over an area of 7 kilometers by 5 kilometers, and each tested separate soil sample anomalies.

RC Drill Program
RC drilling was carried out to provide a first indication of the potential of these zones. At Chigata, three sections were completed over KOTR17-0003 and 100 meters on each side of the trench. Significant gold values were obtained from four holes (Table 1), two under the trench, one 100 meters north of the trench and one 250 meters south of the trench. Anomalous values were obtained in all 12 holes that crossed the altered and sheared zone.

Table 1

Hole No. From (m) To (m) Length (m)1 Au (g/t)2
KORC17-0001 15 24 9.0 5.96
KORC17-0002 57 60 3.0 5.23
KORC17-0010 101 109 8.0 4.36
KORC17-0104 21 28 7.0 2.22

1 All lengths are along the hole axis, and the true thickness has yet to be established.
2 All assay results are below the cutting grade of 30 g/t Au

SEMAFO's Management's Discussion and Analysis, Consolidated Financial Statements and related financial materials are available in the "Investor Relations" section of the Corporation's website at These and other corporate reports are also available on

Third Quarter Conference Call
A conference call will be held today, November 8, 2017, at 10:00 EST to discuss this press release. Interested parties are invited to call the following telephone numbers to participate in the conference:

Tel. local & overseas:  +1 (647) 788 4922
Tel. North America: 1 (877) 223 4471
Replay number: 1 (800) 585 8367 or +1 (416) 621 4642
Replay pass code: 2369407
Replay expiration: November 29, 2017


SEMAFO is a Canadian-based mining company with gold production and exploration activities in West Africa.  The Corporation operates the Mana Mine in Burkina Faso, which includes the high-grade satellite deposit of Siou, and is targeting production start-up of the Boungou Mine in the third quarter of 2018.  SEMAFO's strategic focus is to maximize shareholder value by effectively managing its existing assets as well as pursuing organic and strategic growth opportunities.


This press release contains forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and assumptions and accordingly, actual results and future events could differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. You are hence cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements include words or expressions such as "promising", "on schedule", "expects", "outlook", "on time and on budget", "projected", "aim", "scheduled", "will", "significant", "pursuing", "growth", "opportunities" and other similar words or expressions. Factors that could cause future results or events to differ materially from current expectations expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements include the ability to complete the development of the Boungou Mine on time and on budget, the ability to attain the upper end of our 2017 production outlook of between 190,000 and 205,000 ounces of gold and to meet our all-in sustaining cost outlook of between $920 and $960 per ounce, the ability to deliver a pre-feasibility study for Siou at-depth in the first quarter of 2018, the ability to complete a pre-feasibility study for West and East Flanks of the Boungou deposit in the first quarter of 2018,  the ability to execute on our strategic focus, fluctuation in the price of currencies, gold prices and operating costs, mining industry risks, uncertainty as to calculation of mineral reserves and resources, delays, political and social stability in Africa (including our ability to maintain or renew licenses and permits) and other risks described in SEMAFO's documents filed with Canadian securities regulatory authorities. You can find further information with respect to these and other risks in SEMAFO's 2016 Annual MD&A, as updated in SEMAFO's 2017 First Quarter MD&A, 2017 Second Quarter MD&A, 2017 Third Quarter MD&A and other filings made with Canadian securities regulatory authorities and available at These documents are also available on our website at SEMAFO disclaims any obligation to update or revise these forward-looking statements, except as required by applicable law.

The information in this release is subject to the disclosure requirements of SEMAFO under the Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. This information was publicly communicated on November 8, 2017 at 7:00 a.m., Eastern Standard Time.

For more information, contact
Robert LaVallière
Vice-President, Corporate Affairs & Investor Relations
Cell: +1 (514) 240 2780

Ruth Hanna
Analyst, Investor Relations

Tel. local & overseas: +1 (514) 744 4408
North America Toll-Free: 1 (888) 744 4408

Consolidated Results and Mining Operations
Financial and Operating Highlights

month period
month period
  ended September 30, ended September 30,
  2017 2016 Variation 2017 2016 Variation
Gold ounces produced 53,900   62,500 (14 %) 156,900   185,100 (15 %)
Gold ounces sold 54,500   60,000 (9 %) 156,100   183,500 (15 %)
(in thousands of dollars, except amounts per share)            
Revenues - Gold sales 69,832   80,200   (13 %) 196,033   231,346 (15 %)
Mining operation expenses 27,329   30,410   (10 %) 93,467   89,203   5 %
Government royalties 3,011   4,028   (25 %) 8,092   10,185   (21 %)
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 21,921   19,880   10 % 71,984   57,384   25 %
Share-based compensation 1,997   (576 ) - 2,121   8,229   (74 %)
Other 3,755   3,442   9 % 11,090   11,065   -
Operating income 11,819   23,016   (49 %) 9,279   55,280   (83 %)
Finance income (952 ) (519 ) 83 % (2,488 ) (1,465 ) 70 %
Finance costs 336   314   7 % 981   1,678   (42 %)
Foreign exchange gain (2,779 ) (191 ) (1,355 %) (9,711 ) (2,386 ) 307 %
Income tax expense (recovery) 1,407   3,853   (63 %) (274 ) 12,125   -
Net income for the period 13,807   19,559   (29 %) 20,771   45,328   (54 %)
Attributable to equity shareholders            
Net income 12,224   17,680   (31 %) 18,387   39,168   (53 %)
 Basic earnings per share 0.04   0.05   (20 %) 0.06   0.13   (54 %)
 Diluted earnings per share 0.04   0.05   (20 %) 0.06   0.13   (54 %)
Adjusted amounts            
Adjusted operating income¹ 12,897   21,451   (40 %) 8,254   60,435   (86 %)
Adjusted net income attributable to equity shareholders¹ 8,446   14,855   (43 %) 1,179   40,210   (97 %)
 Per share¹ 0.03   0.05   (40 %) -   0.13   (100 %)
Cash flows            
Cash flows from operating activities² 34,853   39,266 (11 %) 81,614   111,860   (27 %)
 Per share¹ 0.11   0.12 (8 %) 0.25   0.36   (31 %)


1   Adjusted operating income, adjusted net income attributable to equity shareholders, adjusted basic earnings per share and operating cash flows per share are non-IFRS financial performance measures with no standard definition under IFRS. See the "Non-IFRS financial measures" section of the Corporation's MD&A, note 18.
2   Cash flows from operating activities exclude changes in non-cash working capital items.

Interim Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
(Expressed in thousands of US dollars - unaudited)

    As at   As at
    September 30,   December 31,
    2017   2016
    $   $
Current assets        
Cash and cash equivalents   256,761     273,772  
Trade and other receivables   19,385     16,945  
Income tax receivable   229     -  
Inventories   53,601     51,391  
Other current assets   4,575     2,513  
    334,551     344,621  
Non-current assets        
Advance receivable   2,981     3,060  
Restricted cash   21,182     5,689  
Property, plant and equipment   656,135     536,237  
Intangible asset   1,427     1,595  
Other non-current assets   1,494     4,074  
    683,219     550,655  
Total assets   1,017,770     895,276  
Current liabilities        
Trade payables and accrued liabilities   66,711     41,964  
Current portion of long-term debt   310     310  
Current portion of finance lease   4,622     -  
Share unit plans liabilities   5,879     6,635  
Provisions   3,238     3,271  
Income tax payable   -     5,422  
    80,760     57,602  
Non-current liabilities        
Long-term debt   114,745     56,726  
Finance Lease   20,214     -  
Share unit plans liabilities   2,558     4,899  
Provisions   11,127     8,137  
Deferred income tax liabilities   31,502     32,329  
    180,146     102,091  
Total liabilities   260,906     159,693  
Equity Shareholders        
Share capital   622,065     621,902  
Contributed surplus   7,305     7,357  
Accumulated other comprehensive income   1,494     1,095  
Retained earnings   96,061     77,674  
    726,925     708,028  
Non-controlling interest   29,939     27,555  
Total equity   756,864     735,583  
Total liabilities and equity   1,017,770     895,276  

Interim Consolidated Statement of Income
(Expressed in thousands of US dollars, except per share amounts - unaudited)

    Three-month period   Nine-month period
    ended September 30,   ended September 30,
    2017 2016   2017 2016
    $ $   $ $
Revenue - Gold sales   69,832   80,200     196,033   231,346  
Costs of operations            
Mining operation expenses   30,340   34,438     101,559   99,388  
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment   21,921   19,880     71,984   57,384  
General and administrative   3,453   3,195     10,324   10,503  
Corporate social responsibility expenses   302   247     766   562  
Share-based compensation   1,997   (576 )   2,121   8,229  
Operating income   11,819   23,016     9,279   55,280  
Other expenses (income)            
Finance income   (952 ) (519 )   (2,488 ) (1,465 )
Finance costs   336   314     981   1,678  
Foreign exchange gain   (2,779 ) (191 )   (9,711 ) (2,386 )
Income before income taxes   15,214   23,412     20,497   57,453  
Income tax expense (recovery)            
Current   1,331   3,521     3,566   14,086  
Deferred   76   332     (3,840 ) (1,961 )
    1,407   3,853     (274 ) 12,125  
Net income for the period   13,807   19,559     20,771   45,328  
Attributable to:            
Equity shareholders   12,224   17,680     18,387   39,168  
Non-controlling interests   1,583   1,879     2,384   6,160  
    13,807   19,559     20,771   45,328  
Earnings per share            
Basic   0.04   0.05     0.06   0.13  
Diluted   0.04   0.05     0.06   0.13  

Interim Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
(Expressed in thousands of US dollars - unaudited)

    Three-month period   Nine-month period
    ended September 30,   ended September 30,
    2017 2016   2017 2016
    $ $   $ $
Net income for the period   13,807   19,559     20,771   45,328  
Other comprehensive income            
 Item that may be classified to net income            
 Change in fair value of the investment in GoviEx (net of tax of nil)   60   1,046     399   1,046  
Total comprehensive income for the period, net of tax   13,867   20,605     21,170   46,374  
Attributable to:            
Equity shareholders   12,284   18,726     18,786   40,214  
Non-controlling interest   1,583   1,879     2,384   6,160  
    13,867   20,605     21,170   46,374  

Interim Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
(Expressed in thousands of US dollars - unaudited)

    Three-month period   Nine-month period
    ended September 30,   ended September 30,
    2017 2016   2017 2016
    $ $   $ $
Cash flows from (used in):            
Operating activities            
Net income for the period   13,807   19,559     20,771   45,328  
Adjustments for:            
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment   21,921   19,880     71,984   57,384  
Share-based compensation   1,997   (576 )   2,121   8,229  
Unrealized foreign exchange loss (gain)   (2,879 ) 172     (9,218 ) (2,756 )
Deferred income tax expense (recovery)   76   332     (3,840 ) (1,961 )
Adjustment for withholding taxes   -   -     -   5,827  
Other   (69 ) (101 )   (204 ) (191 )
    34,853   39,266     81,614   111,860  
Changes in non-cash working capital items   (3,096 ) 8,052     (11,690 ) 11,239  
Net cash provided by operating activities   31,757   47,318     69,924   123,099  
Financing activities            
Drawdown (Repayment) of long-term debt   (76 ) (52 )   59,769   (30,052 )
Payments of finance lease   (4,003 ) -     (4,003 ) -  
Long-term debt transaction costs   -   -     -   (259 )
Proceeds on issuance of share capital, net of expenses   50   3,374     111   92,017  
Dividend paid by a subsidiary to non-controlling interest   -   -     -   (10,359 )
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities   (4,029 ) 3,322     55,877   51,347  
Investing activities            
Acquisitions of property, plant and equipment   (58,020 ) (22,840 )   (139,116 ) (62,780 )
Decrease (increase) in restricted cash   223   210     (14,854 ) 210  
Net cash used in investing activities   (57,797 ) (22,630 )   (153,970 ) (62,570 )
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents   3,533   159     11,158   3,197  
Change in cash and cash equivalents during the period   (26,536 ) 28,169     (17,011 ) 115,073  
Cash and cash equivalents - beginning of period   283,297   254,070     273,772   167,166  
Cash and cash equivalents - end of period   256,761   282,239     256,761   282,239  
Interest paid   1,739   1,065     3,519   3,557  
Interest received   770   419     1,902   1,273  
Income tax paid   3,208   2,237     8,875   8,410  


SEMAFO-MDA TRIM - Q3 2017.pdf