Doro updates on strategies and financial targets

Sweden, Lund, 2017-11-14 12:30 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Doro today holds a capital markets day where the company´s CEO Robert Puskaric and CFO Carl-Johan Zetterberg Boudrie update on Doro’s ambitions, strategies and financial targets going forward.

During the capital markets day, presentations will be given on

·       Fundamental drivers, the developments and changes on Doro’s markets

·       The company’s current and future positioning, ambitions and strategies and financial targets

The central parts of Doro’s new strategy are the transformation towards service-centered complete solutions for seniors’ convenience and safety, Smartcare by Doro, which combine the strengths of the areas Mobile Phones and Telecare, as well as organic and acquisition-driven geographic expansion in Europe.

In connection to the capital markets day, Doro presents new financial targets

·       Average annual net sales growth of at least 10% (incl. potential M&A)

·       Long term operating profit (EBIT) margin of at least 8%

·       Long term share of total revenues coming from services of at least 30%

·       Net debt in relation to EBITDA should not be greater than 2.5x

·       Dividend to shareholders corresponding to 33% of net profit (with consideration to capital structure and share buybacks)

Doro’s capital markets day is held on Radisson Blu Waterfront Hotel, at 13 – 16 CET. The presentations can also be watched via webcast on


For more information, please contact:

President and CEO Robert Puskaric, +46 (0)46 280 50 00,

CFO Carl-Johan Zetterberg Boudrie, +46 (0)46 280 50 00,

About Doro

Doro develops telecom products and services for Seniors to lead full and rich lives: to do things they want to do more easily as well as the things they thought they might never do. The global market-leader in senior mobile phone, Doro offers easy-to-use mobile phones and smartphones, mobile applications, fixed line telephony with loud and clear sound. Within Doro Group, Doro Care offers social care and telecare solutions for elder and disabled persons for independent and safe living in their own homes. Doro AB is a Swedish public company and its shares are quoted on the Nasdaq OMX Stockholm exchange, Nordic List, Small Companies. Net sales of SEK 1,959 million (EUR 205 million) were reported for 2016.

This is information that Doro AB (publ) is required to publish in accordance with the Swedish Securities Markets Act and/or the Swedish Financial Trading Act. This information was submitted for publication on November 14, 2017 at 12:30 CET.


