Press release
PARIS, May 7  2018


  1. Result of the previous plan

Declaration of the operations realized on treasury shares from May 11th,2017 until May 3rd, 2018
(covering the period starting the day following the assement of the previous program was established and ending on May 2th,2018) :

Percentage of treasury shares in the capital owned directly and indirectly (1) 1.44%
Number of stocks cancelled in the last 24 months (2) 947,136
Number of shares owned in portfolio (1) 304,063
Accounting value of the portfolio (1) 9,604,759 euros
Market value of the portfolio (1) 13,433,503.34 euros


Amounted gross flow (3) Positions opened the day of the description of the repurchase program
  Buy Sales /
Buy positions Sales positions
  Call option bought Futures Put option sold Forward sale
Number of shares 157,247 140,303        
Average maximum maturity            
Average transaction price (3) 39.65 40.35        
Cash transaction            
Amounts 6,234,844 5,661,226        
  1. On April the 30th 2018
  2. In the last 24 months prior to April the 30th 2018
  3. Covering the period starting the day following the assement of the previous program was established and ending on May 2th,2018. Transaction made as part of block transactions or liquidity contract.

  1. Allocation by objectives of shares owned the day of the publication of the hereby document  :

Number of tresury shares owned directly and indireclty : 304,063 representing 1,44 % of the company capital.
Number of shares owned by objective :

  • Animation of the stock through a liquidity contract AMAFI : 19,767
  • External growth operation: 68,164
  • Cover option plan for stock or other employees'sharaholding system : 216,132
  • Coverage of  securities giving right to share attribution : 0
  • Cancellation : 0
  1. New share repurchase program
  • Program Authority: Shareholders'Meeting on 3 May 2018
  • Securities covered : Ordinary shares
  • Maximum proportion of the share capital authorised for buyback : 10 % currently equivalent to 2,107,354 shares. Given the number of shares already held and amounting to 304,063  (1.44 % of the share capital), the maximum number of additional shares that can be bought will be 1,803,291 shares (8,56 % of the share capital) unless the Company sells or cancels the shares already held.
  • Maximum purchase  price: 55 euros
  • Objectives in decreasing order of priority :
  • Stimulate the market or the liquidity of the Company's shares through an investment service provider under a liquidity agreement that complies with the AMAFI Ethics Charter recognized by the AMF,
  • Acquire shares to be held and subsequently delivered in payment or exchanged as part of corporate acquisition transactions,
  • Award or transfer stock to employees and/or corporate officers ( on the terms and in the manner provided for by law) in particular as part of a stock option plan, a bonus share award plan or a company savings plan,
  • Award stock by the delivery of shares when exercising the rights attached to securities giving the right via redemption, conversion, exchange or presentation of a warrant, or in any other way, to an allocation of the Company's stock,
  • Potentially cancel the shares acquired, subject to adoption of the seventeenth extraordinary resolution appearing on the agenda for today's Shareholder's Meeting,
  • Program duration : 18 months after Shareholders'Meeting held on May 3th 2018, so up to October the 4th , 2019.

This press release is available on the www.kaufmanbroad.fr website


Chief Financial Officer
 Bruno Coche
 +33 (1) 41 43 44 73


Media relations:
Hopscotch Capital: Violaine Danet
+33 (1) 58 65 00 77 / k&b@hopscotchcapital.fr

  Kaufman & Broad : Emmeline Cacitti
06 72 42 66 24 / ecacitti@ketb.com



About Kaufman & Broad - Kaufman & Broad has been designing, building, and selling single-family homes in communities, apartments, and offices on behalf of third parties for 50 years. Kaufman & Broad is one of the leading French developers-builders due to the combination of its size and profitability, and the strength of its brand.

The Kaufman & Broad Registration Document was filed with the French Financial Markets Authority ("AMF") under No. D.18 0226 on March  29, 2018. It is available on the AMF (www.amf-france.org) and Kaufman & Broad (www.kaufmanbroad.fr) websites. It contains a detailed description of Kaufman & Broad's business activities, results, and outlook, as well as the associated risk factors. Kaufman & Broad specifically draws attention to the risk factors set out in Chapter 1.2 of the Registration Document. The occurrence of one or more of these risks might have a material adverse impact on the Kaufman & Broad group's business activities, net assets, financial position, results, and outlook, as well as on the price of Kaufman & Broad's shares.
This press release does not amount to, and cannot be construed as amounting to a public offering, a sale offer or a subscription offer, or as intended to seek a purchase or subscription order in any country.


Description of the Share repurchase program