Entra ASA : Purchase of own shares to cover the 2018 share savings scheme for employees

All employees in Entra ASA have received an offer to purchase shares for up to NOK 150,000 at an offer price of NOK 85.6 per share, calculated as the volume weighted average share price in the period from 21 March to 20 April 2018 minus a 20 % discount. The lock-up period for the shares is two years.

Entra ASA will purchase the shares for allocation under the share savings scheme in accordance with the authorisation given on the general meeting on 20 April 2018. The share purchase will start on 9 May 2018 and will continue until 30 May 2018 at the latest. The shares will be purchased in the market with price and the number of shares acquired by the company reported in accordance with the applicable regulations.

For further queries please contact: Tone Omsted, Head of Investor Relations, tel: +47 982 28 510, email: tom@entra.no

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.