KBC Group: Update regarding the share buyback programme

Press release
Outside trading hours - Regulated information*

Brussels, 26-06-2018 - before trading hours

Update regarding the share buyback programme

Within the framework of the share buyback programme announced on 17-05-2018, KBC Group NV wishes to advise that the following transactions took place on NYSE Euronext Brussels' regulated market between 18-06-2018 and 22-06-2018, inclusive:

Date No. of shares Total price Average price Lowest price Highest price
18-06-2018  80 500 € 5 307 550 € 65.93 € 65.58 € 66.16
19-06-2018  41 000 € 2 697 976 € 65.80 € 64.82 € 66.32
20-06-2018 100 000 € 6 620 810 € 66.21 € 66.02 € 66.78
21-06-2018 126 000 € 8 254 348 € 65.51 € 65.26 € 66.26
22-06-2018 47 106 € 3 119 119 € 66.21 € 66.04 € 66.44

Following these transactions, the total number of own shares held by KBC Group NV within the framework of the share buyback programme amounted to 2 127 342 on 22-06-2018.

This information is also available at https://www.kbc.com/en/share-buy-back

* This news item contains information that is subject to the transparency regulations for listed companies.

KBC Group NV
Havenlaan 2 - 1080 Brussels
Viviane Huybrecht
General Manager,
Corporate Communication / Spokesperson
Tel. + 32 2 429 85 45

Press Office
Stef Leunens  Tel. + 32 2 429 65 01
Ilse De Muyer   Tel. + 32 2 429 29 15
Fax + 32 2 429 81 60
E-mail: pressofficekbc@kbc.be


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