On Establishment of Limited Partnership

Energijos Skirstymo Operatorius AB (hereinafter – the Company), identification code 304151376, registered office placed at Aguonu str. 24, Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania. The total number of registered ordinary shares issued by company is 894 630 333; ISIN code LT0000130023.

The Company informs on the signing of the establishment agreement of the limited partnership “Platform for Financing Energy Efficiency” (hereinafter – the Partnership) with Public Investment Development Agency (hereinafter – VIPA) on 3 July 2018.

The Partnership will allocate funds for implementation of various projects and measures contributing to reduction of final energy consumption and increase of generating consumers.

ESO participates in the Partnership as a limited partner, i.e., is liable for a contribution of 10 million EUR to be paid, if necessary, for a period of 10 years. VIPA, as a general partner of unlimited liability, is in charge of all the activities of the Partnership: search for funded projects, assessment of applications, administration, etc. It is also foreseen that the Partnership is open to contributions of other partners that strive for changes in increasing energy consumption efficiency.

The applications for the project financing will be submitted in accordance with the regulations established by the Partnership available on the VIPA website at: www.vipa.lt. The conditions for the project implementation and other necessary information will also be available therein.

Representative for Public Relations of Energijos Skirstymo Operatorius AB Valentas Neviera, tel. +370 670 25997, e-mail. valentas.neviera@le.lt