Additive Manufacturing Opportunities in the Automotive Markets, 2018 - Ten-Year 3D Printing Opportunity and Market Data Forecasts in Volume and Value Terms

Dublin, Aug. 22, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "Additive Manufacturing Opportunities In Automotive - 2018" report has been added to's offering.

In 2016, the researcher released the most complete and thorough analysis and forecast of automotive additive manufacturing. Two years later many new events have continued to propel the use of 3D printing technology into the future of automotive production. This new 200-page 2018 report confirms the 2016 forecast, while also expanding it with new high-value and high-volume applications and technologies that have emerged.

Automotive industry stakeholders worldwide are now racing toward full industrialization and integration of the AM process within their end-to-end production workflow, beginning with software and materials, passing through the actual AM hardware, and ending with services and a growing number of possible applications. 3D printing is thus well positioned to expand its use as the primary technology for automotive prototyping as well as tooling, while also establishing a stronger than ever opportunity for serial and mass customized part production.

This third dedicated study of automotive additive manufacturing expands coverage to consider the greater long term potential for additive manufacturing as a key production technology for the massive global automotive industry, paving the way to widespread adoption of both metal and polymer AM technologies.

This comprehensive report includes:

  • Ten-year 3D printing opportunity and market data forecasts in volume and value terms for automotive additive manufacturing. These coverhardware, materials, software, services and overall printed parts value - illustrated with over 80 charts and exhibits.
  • Expanded market data to include key metrics at a country level, better capturing the regional attitudes towards introducing AM in the production workflow for prototyping, tooling and final parts.
  • Complete lists and descriptions of key AM hardware and AM materials (both polymer and metal alloys) used in automotive AM, including upcoming production-ready technologies.
  • Complete analysis of software used in the end-to-end automotive production cycle, in light of recent advanced in generative design software and PLM software solutions.
  • The latest trailing twenty-four months activity and competitive analysis to reflect the rapidly evolving landscape in which major automakers, automotive tier 1 and tier 2 suppliers and application agnostic 3D printing service are finding new cost-effective solutions through AM adoption.
  • Complete and detailed analysis and forecast of the potential for final parts production through AM

This is by far the most extensive exploration of where the opportunities will be found in automotive additive manufacturing for prototypes, tools and final parts in the next decade.

Key Topics Covered:

Chapter One: Automotive Additive Manufacturing is Coming of Age
1.1 Automotive as the Inflection Point for AM
1.2 The Global AM Automotive Market Today
1.2.1 Fuel Economy, Electric Mobility and AM Electric Smart Mobility and AM Mass Reduction Trends for Today
1.3 Geographic Considerations for Automotive AM Applications
1.3.1 North America
1.3.2 Asia
1.3.3 Europe
1.4 Material Factors
1.4.1 Metal AM Moving to Batch Production
1.4.2 Long Term Ceramics AM Opportunities
1.4.3 Additive Manufacture of Composites for Automobiles Making Strides
1.5 Software Factors: The Drive for More AM Automation and Networking
1.5.1 From Prototyping to Production and Beyond
1.5.2 Indirect AM processes as a key intermediate step
1.5.3 Automating the End-to-end Process
1.5.4 Automating Continuous Layer FDM Automating Polymer Powder Bed Fusion Processes Automating Metal Powder Bed Fusion Processes Automating Metal Deposition Processes Automating Photopolymerization Processes Automating Binder Jetting Processes
1.6 Primary AM Application Segments in Automotive
1.7 Most Influential Alliances in Automotive AM
1.7.1 Stratasys/Siemens/Ford
1.7.2 BMW/Carbon/Desktop Metal
1.7.4 Daimler/EOS
1.7.5 GM/Autodesk
1.7.6 Divergent/PSA/SLM Solutions (Audi)
1.7.7 Local Motors/Cincinnati Inc/IBM
1.8 Forecasting in this Report
1.8.1 Discussion of Methodology
1.8.2 Important Methodology Changes versus Previous Studies

Chapter Two: AM Technologies and Their Applications in Automotive Production
2.1 Metal AM Technologies Moving into Production
2.1.1 Metal Powder Bed Fusion Hardware for Automotive AM
2.1.2 Relevant New Metal PBF Systems in Development
2.1.3 Metal Binder Jetting/MIM Bound Powder Technologies for Automotive Part Production Next Gen Binder Jetting
2.1.4 Are There Metal Deposition Technologies in the Future of Automotive AM? Types of Metal Deposition Technologies Blown Powder (cold spray)
2.2 Thermopolymer AM Technologies Used in the Automotive Segment
2.2.1 Powder Bed Fusion Technologies for Automotive Applications SLS for Lowering Part Production Costs Automotive MJF/HSS in Automotive
2.2.2 Thermopolymer extrusion applications Continuous Fiber Composites Extrusion Chopped Fiber Composites Extrusion Robotic Arm Deposition Large-scale extrusion and deposition
2.3 Photopolymer-based AM Technologies Used in Automotive
2.3.1 Large-scale SLA and DLP automotive applications
2.3.2 High-speed Continuous Technologies (CLIP and cDLM) and their Automotive Applications
2.3.3 Material jetting for automotive applications
2.4 Forecast of Professional AM Hardware Demand and Sales in Automotive
2.5 Low-cost Technologies
2.5.1 FFF
2.5.2 SLA
2.5.3 Benchtop PBF
2.5.4 Production Cells for Serial Manufacturing
2.6 Forecast for Low-cost AM Hardware in Automotive
2.7 Composites
2.7.1 Key Continuous Fiber Technologies for Automotive Applications
2.8 Ten-year Forecast for AM Hardware in the Automotive Segment
2.8.1 Ten-year Forecast for Metal AM Hardware in Automotive
2.8.2 Ten-year Forecast for Polymer (Photopolymerization, PBF, Extrusion)
2.8.3 Geographic Considerations and Regional Forecast for AM Hardware in Automotive
2.9 Key Points from this Chapter

Chapter Three: Materials and Software for Automotive Manufacturing
3.1 Polymers and Composites Used In Automotive Part Production
3.1.1 Thermopolymer Filaments
3.1.2 Thermopolymer Powders
3.1.3 Liquid Photopolymer Resins
3.2 Metals and Alloys used in automotive part production
3.2.1 Titanium and titanium alloys
3.2.2 Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys in as a Key to Unlock Automotive AM Production Metal AM in Automotive Driven by Demand for Aluminum Steel and Steel Alloys in Automotive Steel Alloys for Automotive AM
3.2.3 Nickel and Inconel Superalloys in the Automotive Industry
3.3 Ten-year Forecast for Materials in Automotive AM
3.3.1 Forecast for Metal Materials in Automotive AM
3.3.2 Forecast for Polymer and Composite Materials in Automotive AM
3.4 Regional Distribution of AM Materials for Automotive Applications
3.5 Types of AM Software for Automotive AM
3.5.1 CAD
3.5.2 CAE
3.5.3 CAM
3.5.4 MES
3.5.5 PLM
3.5.6 Simulation and Process Monitoring
3.6 AM-Specific Software Capabilities to Benefit Automotive Development/Manufacturing
3.6.1 Parametric Automotive Design
3.6.2 Topology Optimization for Automotive Light weighting
3.6.3 Trabecular and Lattice Structures
3.6.4 Generative Software used in Automotive Part Design
3.6.5 3D Scanning, Inspection and Reverse Engineering Software
3.6.6 Additive Manufacturing Networks Seeking to Provide Digital Mass Production and Mass Customized Outsourcing with 3D Printing
3.7 Ten-year Software Forecast
3.8 Key Points from this Chapter

Chapter Four: Services and Applications for Automotive Part Production by AM
4.1 AM Service Bureaus Providing Automotive Production Capabilities
4.1.1 Visions for the Automotive AM Factory of Tomorrow Concept Laser's Factory of Tomorrow EOS NextGenAM Additive Industries' MetalFAB1 Renishaw's Automated Workflow DMG Mori's Path to Digitalization
4.1.2 Polymer AM Vendor Strategies for Adapting 3D Printers to Factory Environments Stratasys Infinity, Continuous Build and Composite Demonstrator Platforms Carbon's SpeedCell 3D Systems' Figure 4
4.2 Ten-year Forecast for AM Services
4.3 Relevant AM Applications Case Histories in Automotive
4.3.1 Automotive OEM's
4.3.2 Rapid Prototyping Better Functional Prototyping - Recent Relevant Cases
4.3.3 Forecast for Metal and Polymer Prototypes Global Demand
4.3.4 Tooling, Jigs, Fixtures, Molds and Other Indirect Manufacturing Cases Printed Casting Patterns for Functional Prototypes 3D printing for composite tooling
4.3.5 Forecast for AM Revenues in Tooling
4.4 AM for Final Parts Production
4.4.1 One-off Concepts, Motorsports, Limited Series And Custom Production (Short Batch) Formula 1 Openly Adopts AM Wheels from space
4.4.2 Part replacement and obsolescence management, including classic car part reproduction (medium batch) Metal and Polymer Spare Parts at Daimler-Benz Metal spare parts at Audi Polymer Spare Parts at Volvo Construction Equipment Obsolescence Management at Porsche (Volkswagen)
4.4.3 Mass Production and Mass Customization Cases (Medium Batch) High-end car parts production Mass customization
4.4.4 Mass Production (Large Batch) Moving into the factory
4.5 Ten-year Forecast for AM in Final Parts Automotive Production

Companies Mentioned

  • Autodesk
  • BMW
  • Carbon
  • Cincinnati Inc
  • Daimler
  • Desktop Metal
  • Divergent
  • EOS
  • Ford
  • GM
  • IBM
  • PSA
  • SLM Solutions (Audi)
  • Siemens
  • Stratasys

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