Orco Property Group : PR H1 2017 RESULTS

Press Release

Luxembourg, 31 August 2018



H1 2018 Financial Results

Key recent events

Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

The annual general meeting of the shareholders of ORCO PROPERTY GROUP (the "Company") was held on 31 May 2018 in Luxembourg (the "Annual Meeting"), with approximately 97.45% of the voting rights present or represented.

The Annual Meeting approved the statutory annual accounts and consolidated annual accounts for the financial year ending 31 December 2017, as well as the allocation of financial results for the financial year ending 31 December 2017. The Annual Meeting further granted a discharge to the members of the Company's Board of Directors as well as to the auditors for the performance of their duties during the financial year ending 31 December 2017.

The Annual Meeting also resolved to re-appoint the following persons as members of the Company's Board of Directors until the annual general meeting of 2019: Jiri Dedera, Edward Hughes, and Erik Morgenstern. Jiri Dedera was also elected Managing Director (administrateur délégué) of the Company. The Annual Meeting finally resolved to appoint KPMG Luxembourg as an auditor (réviseur d'entreprises agréé) of the Company until the annual general meeting of 2019.

Disposal of non-contorOlling interest

On 26 June 2018, the Company transferred 80% stake in Bubny Development, s.r.o., a vehicle holding the Bubny land plots in Prague, to GSG Europa Beteiligungs GmbH ("GSG Europa").

The Company will continue to consolidate and manage Bubny Development, s.r.o. pursuant to shareholders agreement, entered into between the Company and GSG Europa.

Both the Company and GSG Europa belong under the consolidation of CPI PG. The disposal price in this intragroup transaction price was based on the IFRS NAV value.

Reconstruction of office building Bubenská 1

The Bubenská 1 office building will undergo an extensive reconstruction, thanks to which the tenants will get a top-quality work environment while maintaining a unique architecture. The total investment exceeds CZK 1 billion (app. EUR 38.4 million).

The first and largest tenant of the administrative part of the building became the WPP group. The WPP group includes twelve world-renowned creative, media, digital, content and research agencies such as Ogilvy, GroupM, Kantar, Wunderman, Young & Rubicam and many others. Individual WPP companies, formerly operating in various Prague buildings, will find their new home under one common roof.

The office building Bubenská 1 has 25,500 m2 of lettable area. Twelve WPP agencies occupy a total of nearly two thirds of the area (16,316 m2). The long-term lease agreement is concluded from 2020 to 18 years.

Acquisition of CPI BYTY Bonds

At the beginning of August 2018, the Company successfully acquired approximately CZK 2 billion (app. EUR 76.9 million) of bonds issued by CPI BYTY, a.s.  The acquired bonds, issued under the bond programme of CPI BYTY, a.s., were due (or callable) in May 2019. 

On 28 August 2018, following the bondholders meeting, CPI BYTY, a.s.  announced, that all tranches of CPI BYTY bonds programme will be early repaid on 12 September 2018.

Financial highlights

Performance   30-Jun-18 30-Jun-17 Change
Gross rental income € thousands 800 1,189 (32.7%)
Total revenues € thousands 9,822 1,332 637.4%
Operating result € thousands 2,409 78,213 (96.9%)
Net profit for the period € thousands 18,477 62,612 (70.5%)

Assets   30-Jun-18 31-Dec-17 Change
Total assets € thousands 2,638,975 1,980,303 33.3%
EPRA NAV € thousands 609,838 598,736 1.9%
Property Portfolio € thousands 459,000 457,000 0.4%
Gross leasable area sqm 28,000 28,000 0%
Occupancy in % % 48% 82% (34.0 pp)
Land bank area sqm 17,655,500 17,675,000 (-0.1%)
Total number of properties No. 6 6 0%

Financing structure   30-Jun-18 31-Dec-17 Change
Total equity € thousands 748,217 628,371 19.1%
Equity ratio % 28% 32% (4.0 pp)
Net debt € thousands (98,625) (10,901) 804.7%
Project LTV % (21.5)% (2.4)% (19.1 pp)

Income statement

Income statement for the six month period ended on 30 June 2018 is as follows:

  TEUR 30-Jun-18 30-Jun-17  
  Gross rental income 800 1,189  
  Service revenues 9,136 --  
  Net service charge expense (119) (55)  
  Property operating expenses (608) (837)  
  Net rental income 9,209 297  
  Development sales 5 198  
  Cost of goods sold (7)   (61)  
  Net development income (2) 137  
  Total revenues 9,822 1,332  
  Total direct business operating expenses (615) (898)  
  Net business income 9,207 434  
  Net valuation gain on inv. property -- 74,499  
  Net gain or loss on disposal of inv. property 471 (21)  
  Net gain on disposal of subsidiaries -- 1,056  
  Gain related to changes in purchase price 2,532 --  
  Amortization, depreciation and impairments (2,567) 3,098  
  Other operating income 23 163  
  Administrative expenses (7,182) (913)  
  Other operating expenses (75) (103)  
  Operating result 2,409 78,213  
  Interest income 49,275 19,212  
  Interest expense (24,184) (10,708)  
  Other net financial result (4,794) (8,410)  
  Net finance income 20,297 94  
  Share of profit of equity-accounted investees (net of tax) (362) (1,009)  
  Profit / (Loss) before income tax 22,344 77,298  
  Income tax expense (3,867) (14,686)  
  Net Profit for the period 18,477 62,612  

Service revenue

Service revenue increased to EUR 9.1 million in H1 2018 (H1 2017: EUR 0 million). The increase is due to providing of advisory services to entities controlled by the ultimate shareholder of the Group.

Net valuation gain

The fair value of the property portfolio as of 30 June 2018 was determined based on the management's analysis and it does not differ from the fair value as of 31 December 2017.

Administrative expenses

Administrative expenses increased by 686.6% to EUR 7.2 million in H1 2018 compared to EUR 0.9 million in H1 2017. During 2018 there was a significant increase in management fees relating to the related parties.

Net finance income

Total net finance income has risen from EUR 0.1 million in H1 2017 to EUR 20.3 million in H1 2018. The interest income increased from EUR 19.2 million in H1 2017 to EUR 49.1 million in H1 2018. The increase in interest income reflects the providing of loans by the Company to the related parties. These loans bear interest rate between 6% - 14%.

Other net financial result

The other net financial result has improved from a loss of EUR 8.4 million in H1 2017 to a loss of EUR 4.8 million in H1 2018. The main cause of this improvement is decrease of the exchange rate loss (EUR 4.7 million) resulting from the transactions between the Company and CPI PG Group (mainly CPI a.s., whose functional currency is Czech koruna).

Balance sheet

  30-Jun-18 31-Dec-17  
  Intangible assets -- --  
  Investment property 452,085 450,373  
  Property, plant and equipment 370 35  
  Equity-accounted investees 4,209 4,571  
  Other investments 110,913 104,613  
  Loans provided 1,697,777 1,196,932  
  Trade and other receivables 12 12  
  Deferred tax assets 123,565 123,565  
  Total non-current assets 2,388,931 1,880,101  
  Inventories 6,224 6,348  
  Current income tax receivables 326 279  
  Trade receivables 11,355 4,540  
  Loans provided 100,745 68,490  
  Cash and cash equivalents 98,914 11,230  
  Other current assets 32,101 8,918  
  Assets held for sale 379 397  
  Total current assets 250,044 100,202  
  TOTAL ASSETS 2,638,975 1,980,303  
  Equity attributable to owners of the Company 578,205 565,688  
  Non-controlling interests 170,012 62,683  
  Total equity 748,217 628,371  
  Financial debts 1,392,977 1,113,884  
  Deferred tax liabilities 34,583 33,048  
  Provisions 1,557 1,559  
  Other non-current liabilities 1,874 1,991  
  Total non-current liabilities 1,430,991 1,150,482  
  Financial debts 393,902 54,581  
  Trade payables 8,965 2,723  
  Advance payments 251 84,505  
  Other current liabilities 56,649 59,641  
  Total current liabilities 459,767 201,450  
  TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 2,638,975 1,980,303  

Total assets and total liabilities
Total assets increased by EUR 658.7 million (33.3%) to EUR 2,639.0 million as at 30 June 2018. The main reason is the increase of long-term loans provided to CPI PG.

Non-current and current liabilities total EUR 1,890.8 million as at 30 June 2018 which represents an increase by EUR 538.8 million (39.9%) compared to 31 December 2017. Main driver of this increase was an additional drawdown of loan provided to the Group by CPI Property Group.

EPRA Net assets value
The EPRA Net Asset Value per share as of 30 June 2018 and 31 December 2017 is EUR 0.46.

The Triple NAV amounts to EUR 0.44 per share compared to EUR 0.43 at the end of last year. The calculation is compliant with the EPRA (European Public Real Estate Associations) "Triple Net Asset Value per share".

  June 2018 December 2017
Consolidated equity 578,205 565,688
Fair Value adjustment on asset held for sales -- --
Fair value adjustments on inventories -- --
Deferred taxes on revaluations 31,633 33,048
Goodwill -- --
Own equity instruments -- --
EPRA Net asset value 609,838 598,736
Existing shares (in thousands) 1,314,508 1,314,508
Net asset value in EUR per share 0.46 0.46
EPRA Net asset value 609,838 598,736
Deferred taxes on revaluations (31,633) (33,048)
Fair value adjustment of bonds issued by the Group -- --
EPRA Triple Net asset value (*) 578,205 565,688
Fully diluted shares 1,314,508 1,314,508
Triple net asset value in EUR per share 0.44 0.43

Over the first half of 2018 the consolidated equity increased by EUR 12.5 million. The main driver of this increase is the profit of the period amounting to EUR 18.5 million, which is partially offset by foreign exchange loss of EUR 7.5 million.

For disclosures regarding Alternative Performance Measures used in this press release please refer to our 2018 Interim Financial Information, chapter GLOSSARY & DEFINITIONS; accessible at

For full Interim Management Report as of 30 June 2018, including Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements as at 30 June 2018 please refer to our website at www.orcogroup.com.
