AS LHV Group (register code 11098261, registered address Tartu mnt 2, 10145 Tallinn; hereinafter LHV) hereby announces a public offering of LHV’s subordinated bonds and informs about the contemplated listing and admission to trading of subordinated bonds on the regulated market operated by Nasdaq Tallinn AS (register code 10359206, registered address Tartu mnt 2, 10145 Tallinn).

Public Offering of Subordinated Bonds

LHV offers publicly up to 16,000 subordinated bonds of LHV „LHV Group subordinated bond 28.11.2028” with the nominal value of EUR 1,000, interest rate 6.0% per annum and maturity date 28.11.2028. The Company has the right to increase the offering volume until issue date by EUR 4 million and issue up to 4,000 additional subordinated bonds as a result of which the total number of the bonds offered in the course of the public offering may be up to 20,000 and the total volume of the offering up to EUR 20 million. The public offering is carried out only in Estonia.

The offering is the first part of LHV’s previously approved bond program. Under the program, LHV intends to issue subordinated bonds in a total volume of up to EUR 45 million in the course of several issues.

Subordinated bond represents an unsecured debt obligation of LHV before the investor. The subordination of the bonds means that upon the liquidation or bankruptcy of LHV, all the claims arising from the subordinated bonds shall fall due and shall be satisfied only after the full satisfaction of all unsubordinated recognised claims in accordance with the applicable law.

Subordinated bonds will be issued in a dematerialised book-entry form. Subordinated bonds will be registered in Nasdaq CSD SE under ISIN code EE3300111558.

Subordinated bonds will be offered at a price of EUR 1,000 per one bond.

The time schedule of the offering of the subordinated bonds is as follows:

14.11.2018 at 10.00 Start of the subscription period for the subordinated bonds
27.11.2018 at 16.00End of the subscription period for the subordinated bonds
On or about 28.11.2018Disclosing the allocation results of the subordinated bonds
On or about 30.11.2018Transfer of the subordinated bonds to investors’ securities accounts
On or about 03.12.2018Expected listing of the subordinated bonds and admission to trading on the regulated market operated by Nasdaq Tallinn AS (on the Baltic Bond List of the Nasdaq Tallinn Stock Exchange)

In order to subscribe for the subordinated bonds, an investor has to submit during the subscription period to the custodian who holds the investor’s securities account opened at Nasdaq CSD SE a subscription undertaking, which has to contain the following data:

Owner of the securities account:Name of the investor who submitted the subscription undertaking
Securities account:Number of the investor’s securities account
Custodian:Name of the investor’s custodian
Security:LHV Group subordinated bond 28.11.2028
ISIN code:EE3300111558
Amount of securities:The number of bonds determined by the investor
Price (per bond):EUR 1,000
Transaction amount:The total amount of the transaction (the number of bonds determined by the investor multiplied by price per one bond)
Counterparty:AS LHV Group
Securities account of counterparty:99100539709
Custodian of the counterparty:AS LHV Pank
Value date of the transaction (trade date):Date of submission of the subscription undertaking
Value date of the transaction:30.11.2018
Type of transaction:“purchase”
Type of settlement:“delivery versus payment”

The subscription undertaking will be forwarded to Nasdaq CSD SE.

Listing and Admission to Trading of Subordinated Bonds

LHV has submitted an application to Nasdaq Tallinn AS for the listing and admission to trading of LHV’s subordinated bonds „LHV Group subordinated bond 28.11.2028” on the regulated market (on the Baltic Bond List of the Nasdaq Tallinn Stock Exchange). The expected date of listing and admission to trading is on or about 03.12.2018.

While every effort will be made and due care will be taken in order to ensure the listing and the admission to trading of the subordinated bonds, LHV cannot ensure that the subordinated bonds will be listed and admitted to trading.

Availability of Prospectus and Final Terms of the Offering

The base prospectus of LHV has been published and can be obtained in electronic format from LHV’s website and from the website of the Financial Supervision Authority Additionally, the prospectus is available through the information system of Nasdaq Tallinn Stock Exchange. The terms and conditions of LHV’s subordinated bonds and final terms of the first offering of LHV’s subordinated bonds have been published and can be obtained in electronic format from LHV’s website

Before investing into LHV’s subordinated bonds we ask you to acquaint yourself with the whole base prospectus and the final terms of the offering.


Priit Rum
Communication Manager
Phone: +372 502 0786



1 - Põhiprospekt_Prospectus 2 - Põhiprospekti kokkuvõte_Summary of base prospectus (ET) 3 - Allutatud võlakirjade tingimused_Terms and conditions of subordinated bonds 4 - Allutatud võlakirjade pakkumise lõplikud tingimused (I pak)_Final terms of the offering of subordinated bonds (I offering) 4.1 - Esimese emissiooni kokkuvõte _Summary of the first issue (ET) LHV Presentation 2018 Q4 EN bond investors