Arbitrade Ltd. Board of Directors Announces They Have Secured in Excess of $10 Billion U.S. Dollars in Gold to Back Their Tokens

Confirmed Today by Arbitrade Ltd. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Len Schutzman

BERMUDA and BEVERLY HILLS, CA, Nov. 05, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via NEWMEDIAWIRE – Confirmed today, Len Schutzman, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Arbitrade Ltd., on behalf of the Board of Directors, announced today via its Agency of Record for Traditional and Non-Traditional Media, Creative Management Partners LLC (CMP), that Arbitrade Ltd. has received title of gold bullion stored at independent security facilities in the amount of 395,000 kgs with a current market value in excess of $10 Billion U.S.  

Arbitrade has completed the required regulatory gold vaulting verification compliance:

As mandated, an independent public accounting firm has verified the account in good standing, confirmed Safe Keeping Receipt “SKR” totaling 395,000 kgs of gold, by direct confirmation from the independent secure vaulting company.

Mr. Schutzman added:  “Since most crypto-currencies are not backed by gold, this feature should make purchase of Arbitrade’s coins and tokens more attractive to the blockchain community”.

Arbitrade, through its proprietary software and strategic partnerships, plans to be in all segments of the crypto-currency business, including currency mining, trading (The Arbitrade Exchange), gift cards, debit cards, money transfer, and Point of Sale processing

The Arbitrade Ltd. platform, a holistic end-to-end system, aims to provide crypto-currency access to everyone-from unbanked individuals to seasoned traders. Arbitrade Ltd. seeks to provide this access with a mobile platform via ArbiPay, as well as by physical card systems. Integrating this retail access with Arbitrade Exchange creates a unique on-ramp for everyone from experienced traders to people simply seeking to enter the financial markets.

Arbitrade Ltd new crypto-currency merchant exchange Intellectual Property (IP), proprietary software has unique worldwide licensing potential through strategic partnerships, as an example, but not limited to the sectors of Financial Retail Sales and Services, Consumer Products, Food and Beverage Companies, Technology, Computer Companies, Media Companies in all segments of the crypto-currency business, including mining and trading (THE ARBITRADE EXCHANGE) with emphasis on currency mining e.g. Gift Cards, Debit Cards, Money Transfers and Point of Sale Processing. 

Robust crypto-currency mining facilities are required for transaction processing that support blockchain centric solutions, including those ArbiPay’s crypto-currency transactions at the retail level or large scale trading on the Arbitrade Exchange. Arbitrade Mining supports these objectives by garnering mining rewards and processing fees. Each of these businesses reinforce the others. 

Arbitrade Ltd. intends to offer a complete suite of token services which include cryptocurrencies, altcoins, utility tokens, security tokens, asset tokens, reputation/reward tokens, and other dApp coins.  The company is partnering with existing global infrastructure to provide the fastest gateway to all trading counterparties in 50+ countries.  The integration of ArbitradeX (exchange) with the world’s largest trading counterparties is expected to provide liquidity, price transparency, high quality token/coin offerings, compliance and security through the world’s most recognized and trusted institutions.

In addition, Arbitrade is building, buying, and partnering to create a suite of Arbitrage Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) to provide an important multiplier to these business results, leveraging return, and allowing Arbitrade to acquire additional hard assets supporting Arbitrade crypto-currencies. 


Arbitrade Ltd. further announced their Corporate Policy for Communications by Chairman Schutzman: 

Traditional and Non-Traditional Media, excluding Investor Relations will be under the engagement of Creative Management Partners LLC and it’s CEO Alan Morell.

Questions from “Coin Holders” are under the counsel of Stephen Braverman.

Questions from Security or Cypto Industry Advisory Firms are under the counsel of John MacNeil.

For More Information:

Stephen Braverman 


Chief Operating Officer, 

Arbitrade Bermuda Exchange

Arbitrade Ltd., Hamilton, Bermuda

Arbitrade Ltd. Agency of Record:

Creative Management Partners LLC

433 North Camden Dr., 6thFloor

Beverly Hills, Ca. 90210


Company ProfileArbitrade Ltd.