Results of interest rate adjustment – public housing

To Nasdaq Copenhagen



4 February 2019

Results of interest rate adjustment – public housing

The Nykredit Group has completed the bond sales in connection with the interest rate adjustment of adjustable-rate mortgage loans to public housing based on the "refinancing price" principle. The loan rates will be reset as at 1 April 2019.

All loans are amortising loans funded by 10-year government-guaranteed covered bonds (SDOs) issued through Capital Centre J.

For housing associations with a 30-year annuity loan, the interest rate adjustment results in the following cash loan rate:

 F10 Jan
Cash loan rate0.19%

For detailed information on the auction results, please refer to Information on bond sales is available at

Enquiries may be addressed to Lars Mossing Madsen, Group Treasury, tel +45 44 55 11 66, or Corporate Communications, tel +45 44 55 14 50.



Results of interest rate adjustment – public housing - Nykredit Realkredit - 04022019