DietDemand Reveals the Keto Diet’s Lesser-Known Benefits and Warnings

Phoenix, AZ, March 28, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- By now, most people who’ve attempted weight loss have come across the ketogenic diet. This popular solution stimulates weight loss due to the triggering of ketosis, which leads to optimal fat burning. However, dieters may be surprised to know that this isn’t the only reason why weight loss is so successful on this program. Dr. Tom Burns of DietDemand – the nation’s leading medical weight loss program, states, “Keto dieters eat less. Most dieters don’t know that by simply lowering one’s refined carbohydrate intake and replacing it with more protein, they feel fuller and more satisfied for longer periods of time.” This results in a natural reduction of those pesky instances of overeating, snacking, and emotional eating. Sugary, carb-laden foods tend to make one hungrier and prone to addictive eating behavior since snack foods tend to have a dopamine reaction in the brain, which cuts off the body’s natural mechanism that stops us from eating when we’re already full. “Additionally, many who have trouble losing weight are suffering from metabolic syndrome, which occurs when too many carbohydrate foods are consumed over time but are not burned off due to lack of physical activity. Thus, reducing carbohydrate intake can help to drastically improve this issue,” states Dr. Burns.

With all those benefits, is the keto diet perfect?

Medical experts warn that without balance, a keto diet can cause harm in some instances. Dr. Burns weighs in, “Reducing one’s intake of carbs can initially result in fatigue, exhaustion and lowered energy overall as the body adjusts to ketosis. This adjustment can take from one to three weeks depending on a person’s metabolism.” Also, the elimination of all carbs can actually do more harm than good. Carbs are important for muscle preservation and fueling physical activity. Those who lift weights as part of their exercise routine, need carbs to maintain physical activity and protect their muscles as well. Muscle tissue is also key in weight loss as muscle accelerates fat burning, so for active dieters, carb cycling (eating carbs on workout days only) might be the best option.

Those with diabetes may struggle with low-carb diets since their glucose levels can dip to dangerously low levels. It is important for diabetic patients to incorporate measurable amounts of carbs into their diets to keep their blood sugar regulated. “Additionally, those who suffer from hypoglycemia may be at risk for anxiety, heart palpitations, fatigue, and other symptoms when removing carbs from the diet. Therefore, a doctor-supervised keto diet program is the best way to ensure that you are embarking on a safe and healthy journey,” states Dr. Burns.

Keto Dieting - The DietDemand Way

Keto diets may be an effective way to lose some quick pounds, but due to some of the drawbacks above, it is still necessary to consult with certified weight physicians who can ensure that you are embarking on a safe and healthy journey that won’t cause health issues in the long-term. Our team of experienced doctors and nutritionists take your health status into consideration (unlike the majority of keto programs on the market today) and can adjust your level of carb intake based on what is best for your individual body macros for fast and effective weight loss. Our keto diet plans are tailored to be specific to the needs of those of any age, gender, shape or size and for those who are struggling to lose that final 10-20 pounds to those who must lose 100 pounds or more. Call today to request a private, confidential, no-cost online consultation.  

About the Company:

DietDemand is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support.  For over a decade, DietDemand has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long-term weight loss.   

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