Banco Comercial Português, S.A. informs about resolutions of the Annual General Meeting

Banco Comercial Português, S.A. informs about resolutions of the Annual General Meeting

Banco Comercial Português, S.A. concluded today, May 22, 2019, at the Bank’s premises in Taguspark, Av. Prof. Doutor Cavaco Silva, Building 8, in Porto Salvo, Oeiras, Portugal, with 64.59% of the share capital represented, the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, with the following resolutions:

Item One – Approval of the individual and consolidated annual report, balance sheet and financial statements of 2018, including the Corporate Governance Report;

Item Two – Approval of the proposal for the appropriation of profits for the 2018 financial year;

Item Three – Approval of a vote of trust and praise addressed to the Board of Directors, including to the Executive Committee and to the Audit Committee and each one of their members, as well as to the Chartered Accountant and its representative;

Item Four – Approval of the remuneration policy of Members of Management and Supervision Bodies;

Item Five – Approval of the alteration of the articles of association, giving a new wording to paragraph c) of article 14 and to nr. 1 of article 10, adding two new numbers 2 and 3 to article 10 with the consequent renumbering of current nrs. 2 and 3;

Item Six – Approval of the cooptation of Mr. Fernando Costa Lima as member of the Board of Directors and of the Audit Committee for the exercise of functions in the term-of-office ending in 2021. The effects of this cooptation are subject to obtaining the authorization for the exercise of functions from the European Central Bank;

Item Seven – Appointment of Prof. Cidália Maria da Mota Lopes as Chairperson of the Audit Committee to exercise functions during the term-of-office ending in 2021;

Item Eight – Election of Mr. Nuno Maria Pestana de Almeida Alves as member of the Remunerations and Welfare Board;

Item Nine - Election of Deloitte & Associados – Sociedade de Revisores Oficiais de Contas, S.A., that selected Mr. Paulo Alexandre de Sá Fernandes, ROC nr. 1456, to represent it, as the Single Auditor, and of Mr. Jorge Carlos Batalha Duarte Catulo, ROC nr. 992, as his alternate, during the two-year term-of-office 2019/2020;

Item Ten - Selection of Deloitte & Associados - Sociedade de Revisores Oficiais de Contas, SA to perform functions of External Auditor in the 2019/2020 two-year period;

Item Eleven – Approval of the acquisition and sale of own shares and bonds.

End of announcement

Banco Comercial Português, S.A.



2019 05 22 Deliberações AG EN