Block Listing Six Month Review


 (Note: Italicised terms have the same meaning as given in the Listing Rules.)

Date: 3 October 2019

Name of applicant:Summit Therapeutics plc
Name of scheme:2005 EMI Scheme
Period of return:From:31 Mar 2019To:30 Sept 2019
Balance of unallotted securities under scheme(s) from previous return:776,756
Plus:  The amount by which the block scheme(s) has been increased since the date of the last return (if any increase has been applied for):Zero
Less:  Number of securities issued/allotted under scheme(s) during period (see LR3.5.7G):Zero
Equals:  Balance under scheme(s) not yet issued/allotted at end of period:476,756

Name of applicant:Summit Therapeutics plc
Name of scheme:2016 Long Term Incentive Plan
Period of return:From:31 Mar 2019To:30 Sep 2019
Balance of unallotted securities under scheme(s) from previous return:4,196,863
Plus:  The amount by which the block scheme(s) has been increased since the date of the last return (if any increase has been applied for):Zero
Less:  Number of securities issued/allotted under scheme(s) during period (see LR3.5.7G):Zero
Equals:  Balance under scheme(s) not yet issued/allotted at end of period:4,196,863

Name of contact:Richard Pye
Telephone number of contact:+44 (0)1235 443951

This figure has been reduced since the last block list review to reflect the number of share options that remain in existence under the 2005 EMI Scheme. This change is due share options issued under the 2005 EMI Scheme having lapsed due to employees leaving the Company. No new share options will be issued under the 2005 EMI Scheme.