MVP Holdings Inc. Acquires Small Kitchen Appliance Company, Mealthy Inc.

FRESNO, Calif., June 15, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MVP Holdings Inc., announced that it has agreed to acquire Mealthy Inc., a small kitchen appliance company.  The purchase will be the first acquisition in the MVP Holdings Inc portfolio since its recent name, ticker and strategy change to become a more diversified company.  

The stock purchase of the Mealthy Brand couldn’t come at a better time as the world around us continues to spend more time at home with family and in the kitchen preparing more home cooked meals than in recent history.  The Mealthy brand and products give every person experienced or not the ability to easily prepare flavorful home cooked meals. By purchasing the company it will provide MVP with a vehicle to continue moving forward, with a phenomenal team, brand and asset.  In 2019 Mealthy Inc completed a $1M Cap Raise at a $30M valuation thru Republic Co.  The capital was used in part to develop and build the best in class website and mobile app that you can check out at as well as download the app and check out the 1000’s of original Mealthy owned recipes.
“We are extremely excited about our acquisition of Mealthy Inc.  It helps to kick off our new direction away from the travel industry and into the consumer goods industry as well as various other industries and will be a small part of our overall direction to become more diversified.  This investment represents and important strategic opportunity to bring top level executive talent under the MVP Holdings umbrella.  Our goal in any acquisition is to first and foremost focus on the talent that is being acquired, then the brand and its products and how it will mesh with the dna of our existing company.  We have no doubt that Mealthy will be a fantastic addition to the MVP Holdings family.” 

About Mealthy Inc.

Mealthy Inc., based in San Antonio, Tx. manufactures the #2 selling pressure cooker on Amazon and in just 2 years has sold over $12M in Mealthy products.  Mealthy has recently released its all new Trademarked Crisp Lid that has been selling so fast they can’t keep it on the shelves, recently selling out of 700+ units on in just 5 days. 

Mealthy –Launched Sales in April 2018
 $12M+ in sales in 2 years
 3 Patents
 500K+ Social Media Followers
 250+ Social Media Influencers
 100K+ website visits monthly
 Best in Class Mobile App
 Best in Class Website
 2000+ recipes on the App/Website
 Launched Multiple SKU’s
 Launched Multi-National Sales Channels
 Completing Multiple National Retailer Agreements
 Home Shopping Network
 Best Buy…plus many more.

The Mealthy Inc., executive team is made up of Fortune 500 level experienced talent that has helped build the Mealthy brand into what it is today in a short amount of time.  Due to the COVID19 pandemic sales dipped in the first half of 2020 due to inventory shortage.  That is being resolved and product is headed back to the shelves as we speak.  Current sales projections for 2020 are on course for about $8M and 2021 is marked for a jump to $40M in sales with replenished inventory and completed agreements with multiple National Retail Chains.                                                 


MVP Holdings Inc. operates in Fresno, Ca. in multiple industries including real estate, consumer goods, consumer services and web-based services.  The immediate focus for the Company is to capitalize on the opportunities coming available over the next 18 months in acquisition of real estate holdings in both multi and single family residential as well as looking at multiple acquisitions of various consumer goods and service brands.  Due to the current economic atmosphere across the globe, various opportunities will present themselves and MVP Holdings will look to capitalize on those opportunities to diversify its operations and holdings.

Please continue to look for new filings and press releases as we continue to work towards getting agreements signed and getting current with OTC and as we continue to grow the business and announce new launches and partnerships.

MVPT holds no convertible debt, will not engage in a reverse split, and has no plans for dilution.
Forward-Looking Information:  The forward-looking information contained in this press release represents the expectations of the company as of the date of this press release and, accordingly, is subject to change after such date.  Readers should not place undue importance on forward-looking information and should not rely upon this information as of any other date.  While the company may elect to, it does not undertake to update this information at any particular time except as required in accordance with applicable securities legislation.

Investor Contact: Casey Musick – CEO/President
Twitter:  @MVPHoldingsInc