NTG has entered into an agreement to purchase 107,187 shares

Company announcement no. 14 - 20
22 June 2020

NTG has entered into an agreement to purchase 107,187 shares

Today, NTG Nordic Transport Group A/S (“NTG”) has entered into an agreement to purchase 107,187 shares (nominally DKK 2,143,740) of a value of DKK 9,861,204 from Holdingsselskabet af 7. marts 2019 ApS.

The shares purchased in this transaction will be used as consideration in connection with the acquisition of certain shares in NTG subsidiaries, thereby reducing the non-controlling interests under NTG’s “Ring-the-Bell” concept. The transaction is made in addition to NTG’s 2020 share buy-back program of up to a total of DKK 20,000,000, initiated on 26 May 2020, which continues on the previously announced terms (see company announcement 09 - 20).

The purchase price is DKK 92.00 per share, equal to the closing price on 22 June 2020, as this is lower than the volume weighted average market price of the NTG share in the period 16 June to 22 June 2020, both dates inclusive.

Prior to completion of the transaction, Holdingselskabet af 7. marts 2019 ApS owned 15.73% of the shares in NTG. Following completion of the transaction, Holdingselskabet af 7. marts 2019 ApS owns 3,421,657 shares in NTG, corresponding to 15.26 % of the share capital in NTG. Holdingselskabet af 7. marts 2019 ApS is the joint holding company for a large number of current and former directors, officers and employees of NTG.

Following completion of the transaction stated above, NTG owns a total of 182,033 treasury shares, corresponding to 0.81% of the company’s share capital. The number includes shares purchased under the current share buy-back program from 26 May to 22 June 2020, both dates inclusive. Details of most recent transactions under the share buy-back program will be published on 23 June 2020 in accordance with our weekly schedule.

Additional information
For additional information, please contact:

Investor relations
Christian D. Jakobsen, Group CFO                                     +45 76 32 09 89
Martin Diernisse, Group Director                                      +45 76 32 09 90



Company announcement no 14_2020