Home Loyalty Plan Solves House Ownership Concerns By Helping People Secure Mortgages At Reasonable Rates

Calgary, AB, July 14, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Owing a personal home is a dream to many. More so, in today’s day and age homeownership is a wise financial investment, which grows one’s personal equity over time. Having said that, with rising property prices, owning a home is difficult without attaining a mortgage at affordable interest rates. However, a lot of people struggle to qualify for a mortgage with reasonable rates. To address this issue, Home Loyalty Plan has developed a systematic structure to help people get their desired mortgage and buy their dream home, rather than having to pay astronomic house rent every month. 

How Does Home Loyalty Plan Work? 

The pre-requisites for getting a mortgage are the following: 5% down payment calculated on the total amount, steady work history of at least two years, and good credit history. Without these, the chances of qualifying for a mortgage are minimum. Even if one does, the interest rates are too expensive to afford. 

Home Loyalty Plan enables one to fix these issues, get a low-rate mortgage, and build a convincing financial portfolio to ensure lenders about on-time payments. The company has amassed hundreds of clients over the years, and have helped them develop credible portfolios so that they can get a mortgage at reasonable interest rates. 

Home Loyalty Plan does this by counting one’s monthly rent over the last two years and using it as a tool to improve credit scores - one of the most important factors of securing a good mortgage deal. Moreover, turnover times are extremely low. In most of the cases, Home Loyalty Plan has improved its clients’ credit score within 30 days. 

If you can afford to pay a 5% downpayment and have been working in a steady job more two years, Home Loyalty Plan takes care of the other important aspect - good credit scores. It also provides a step by step mortgage approval action plan to make the process hassle-free. Moreover, all users of the Home Loyalty Plan get other benefits like - 100% access to the company’s credit experts and a one-year membership. 

Owning a home is not only about having a place to stay. It is a long term financial investment that multiplies over time and can offer huge returns. It can well be considered as an ever-growing self-equity that secures one’s future financially. 

Considering the difficulties of getting a mortgage at good interest rates, Home Loyalty Plan offers a great platform where one can set up the foundation of owning a home through affordable monthly payments. 
Media Contact Details

Company: Home Loyalty Plan
Website: https://www.homeloyaltyplan.com
Contact: payments@homeloyaltyplan.com