CAXXOR is committed to a “new era in Latin America”: Carlos Ortíz

Ciudad de México, México, Oct. 02, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- With the goal of consolidating as a benchmark for infrastructure and real assets in Latin America, the CAXXOR company has opted to accelerate investments in the region and attract new capital for strategic projects.

This was stated by Carlos Ortíz, CEO of the company who said that Latin America has great resources that could help them strengthen the project.

“We have a strong trend in transportation and energy in Latin America.  Our region has overwhelming deficits, however, we want to contribute to the vision of a new world, in which our region has more and better maritime routes, with energy sufficiency and with the capacity, so that the logistics infrastructure can be complete and updated throughout the  continent, "said Ortiz.

Regarding Mexico, Carlos Ortiz pointed out that despite the legal changes regarding port control by the navy and the army, CAXXOR's plans have not been canceled.

We continue with our projects in northern Mexico, it has even grown to become a more ambitious, and at the same time with our Pacific hub project in Colombia, is our flagship in the region”, he explained.

Carlos Ortiz, announced that in 2021, they will launch a shipping company that will serve the commodities industry, as well as maritime and financial services.

He also added that this new shipping company will depend on the subsidiary CAXXOR Global Advisors, which will have an area specialized in research and advice for the oil and gas industry, in addition to the portfolio of vessels for maritime transport.

The businessman explained that CAXXOR works with three subsidiaries, focused on liquid investments, assets and consulting, and currently they have practically total geographic coverage for Latin America.

In this context, according to the Mexican Association of Shipping Agents (Amanac in spanish), Mexico is one of the most important economies in Latin American markets.

And according to statistics from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), about 80% of world trade is transported through commercial shipments that move the world's food, energy and raw materials, as well as manufactured goods and components.

In this context, the Mexican Cruise Association announced that this industry, severely affected by the health crisis, is preparing for the activation of activities, before the end of the year.

Media Details
Person Name - Daniel Caballero
Company Name - CAXXOR
Email -
Phone Number - +5256117234
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