Sanoma updates Sustainability Strategy and sets strategic sustainability targets

Sanoma Corporation, Press release, 9 March 2021 at 10:30 EET

Sanoma updates Sustainability Strategy and sets strategic sustainability targets

Sanoma has published an updated Sustainability Strategy to further strengthen sustainability in both its learning and media businesses. The strategy highlights six themes – Inclusive learning, Sustainable media, Trustworthy data, Vital environment, Valued people and Responsible business practices – and is designed to maximise Sanoma’s positive impacts on society and to minimise its environmental footprint. Sanoma has integrated selected UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into the strategy.

As a leading learning and media company, Sanoma impacts the lives of millions of people every day.

"We exist to support teachers and help students reach their potential with the highest-quality learning resources. In media, our mission is to provide independent Finnish news and local entertainment. Sustainability is truly at the heart of our learning and media businesses", says President and CEO Susan Duinhoven.

In practice this means that Sanoma continues to develop best-in-class learning solutions that support differentiation and inclusive learning. In media, Sanoma’s goal is to support open and democratic society by delivering trusted Finnish journalism, and to offer inspiring responsible and locally produced entertainment.

To set strategic targets for sustainability, Sanoma arranged an open online dialogue to collect stakeholders' views of future focus areas. All in all, more than 1,500 customers, suppliers, investors, NGO’s and employees around Europe participated in the survey.

"The dialogue gave us valuable insights and  helped us identify the topics that provide the framework for our future work. Our stakeholders rank fair and transparent use of data as one of the highest in importance for Sanoma. Trustworthy use of data and respect for privacy are key priorities for us. Through data we can lead the digital transformation of learning solutions and support teachers and students. In media, active use of data helps us improve our journalistic content and customer experience", continues Susan Duinhoven.

Although Sanoma operates in a low-carbon industry, it aims to reduce its climate impact and is targeting net-zero emissions throughout the whole of its value chain by 2030. 90% of Sanoma’s emissions result from the supply chain and Sanoma continues to work closely together with its suppliers also in environmental and climate matters to reduce the overall impact. Sanoma estimates that in its own operations, though only a very small part of our total impact, will reach carbon neutrality already earlier than in 2030.

Motivated and valued employees around Europe are the key factor to Sanoma’s success. Sanoma focuses in developing good work-life balance, offering equal opportunities and striving for more diverse and inclusive workplace. Responsible business practices throughout the value chain form the foundation for Sanoma’s day-to-day business.

To transparently follow its progress, Sanoma has published its annual Sustainability Review 2020 yesterday. This review includes also the targets and the main indicators for each of the six themes that constitute our strategy. The third-party assured review is based on Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards and includes further information on Sanoma's contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Further information about Sanoma Sustainability Strategy and actions is available at

Additional information

Kaisa Uurasmaa, Head of Investor Relations and Sustainability
e-mail mobile +358 40 560 5601

Sanoma is an innovative and agile learning and media company impacting the lives of millions every day.  

Our learning products and services enable teachers to develop the talents of every child to reach their full potential. We offer printed and digital learning content as well as digital learning and teaching platforms for primary, secondary and vocational education, and want to grow our business across Europe.  

Our Finnish media provide independent journalism and engaging entertainment also for generations to come. Our unique cross-media position offers the widest reach and tailored marketing solutions for our business partners.  

Today, we operate in eleven European countries and employ close to 5,000 professionals. In 2020, our net sales amounted to approx. 1.1bn€ and our operational EBIT margin excl. PPA was 14.7%. Sanoma shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. More information is available at