Emerging Markets Report: A Rise in Revenue

ORLANDO, Fla., March 09, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In real estate investing the axiom “Location, Location, Location” has long been an axion. For nascent public companies, the mantra may well be “Revenue, Revenue, Revenue.”

Real revenue, even in smaller amounts, does a number of incredibly positive things for small cap companies. Chief among them is that revenue helps prove that there is a market for a product or service. On top of that, revenue is imperative for companies at this early point in their development as it helps sustain operations while fueling growth and future opportunity. And perhaps paramount among the benefits, revenue can greatly decrease or deflect dangerous toxic debt that is so often the death knell of a small cap company.

To that end, American Aires Inc. (CSE: WIFI) (OTC: AAIRF) a nanotechnology-focused disruptor focused on developing products that reduce the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation ("EMR") emitted by everyday consumer electronic devices, has had a pretty good month.

First, the Company reported record revenue growth of over 300% in the fourth quarter of 2020 relative to the same period the prior year based on preliminary and unaudited numbers.

Three hundred percent.

Adding to that garish number is news of a planned market expansion, which if successful, would obviously yield even more revenue. A short time ago American Aires announced the implementation of an innovative new marketing initiative for 2021, comprised of a drop shipping program which includes online retailers and a complementary marketing campaign.

Topping all this off is interesting news about a new recurring revenue subscription model which once deployed will provide an additional purchasing option for customers through the implementation of a multi-year subscription plan for Aires products. This new subscription plan is a way to generate a worry-free, predictable revenue stream for Aires and, most importantly, is a way of building strong relationships with customers.

About American Aires, Inc:

American Aires Inc. is a nanotechnology company which has developed proprietary silicon-based microprocessors that reduce the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMR). The technology was developed by a team of highly credited scientists and confirmed by independent third-party validation including peer reviewed studies and publications in scientific journals. The technology specifically targets cellphones, computers, baby monitors, Wi-Fi radiation and general EMR emitted by consumer electronic devices. 

About The Emerging Markets Report:

The Emerging Markets Report is owned and operated by Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC), a syndicate of investor relations consultants representing years of experience. Our network consists of stockbrokers, investment bankers, fund managers, and institutions that actively seek opportunities in the micro and small-cap equity markets.

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EMC has been paid $300,000 by American Aires, Inc. for various marketing services including this report. EMC does not independently verify any of the content linked-to from this editorial. http://emergingmarketsllc.com/disclaimer.php

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