Norwegian Finans Holding ASA: Bank Norwegian AS – Buyback of bonds

Bank Norwegian AS refers to the announcement on 8 March 2021. The bank has today conducted buybacks in BANKN22 and BANKN23 with the following terms:

SEK 40 million in BANKN22 (ISIN NO0010848583) at 100.589 equal to 3 months STIBOR + 0.30%

NOK 381 million in BANKN23 (ISIN NO0010848591) at 101.048 equal to 3 months NIBOR + 0.50%

The settlement date is 18 March 2021. BANKN23 will be retained on the issuers own book. Outstanding amount in BANKN22 will be reduced with SEK 40 million to SEK 152 million.

Contact persons:

CFO Klara-Lise Aasen; phone +47 47 63 55 83;

Head of treasury Mats Benserud; phone +47 95 89 15 39;

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act
