Fingrid’s Shareholders’ Nomination Board Composition

Fingrid Oyj
Stock Exchange Release 7 April 2021 12:42 EET

Fingrid’s Shareholders’ Nomination Board Composition

Fingrid’s Shareholders’ Nomination Board consists of three representatives of the Company’s shareholders and the Chairman of the Board of Directors, who shall participate as an expert in the Shareholders’ Nomination Board's meetings. The three shareholders with the largest share of the votes are each entitled to appoint one member of the Shareholders’ Nomination Board. The Shareholders’ Nomination Board is responsible for preparing proposals and submitting them annually to the ordinary Annual General Meeting concerning the appointment and remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors.

The shareholders have appointed the following representatives to the Shareholders’ Nomination Board as of 7 April 2021:

  • Senior Government Adviser Karri Safo, The Ministry of Finance, appointed by the State of Finland
  • Head of private equity, debt and infrastructure investments Jukka Reijonen, Ilmarinen, appointed by Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company
  • Director Erkko Ryynänen, OP, appointed by Aino Holdingyhtiö Ky

The term of office of the Nomination Board’s members ends at the closing of the Annual General Meeting following the appointment of the member.
The Nomination Board must make its proposal to the Annual General Meeting annually, and no later than on the 31st of January preceding the following Annual General Meeting.

Further information:

Marina Louhija, General Counsel, SVP, Fingrid Oyj, +358 40 519 0627

Company ProfileFingrid OyjIndustry: ElectricityWebsite: