Umicore - Disposal of own shares

Article 8:6 of the Royal Decree of 29 April 2019, which implements the new Belgian Code of Companies and Associations as of 01/01/2020, stipulates that any disposal of own shares has to be made public.

In application of this Article, Umicore declares that following the exercise of stock options by its employees within the framework of the Umicore Incentive Stock Option Plan, it has since 01/01/2020 disposed of Umicore shares OTC in view of deliveries of these shares to the relevant employees. Umicore also disposed of own shares in the context of share grants to the Management and Supervisory Board.

Please find below the overview of the transactions for the period 17/05/2021 – 21/05/2021:

Date and time of disposal

Incentive Stock Option PlanNumber of disposed sharesExercise price (€)
18/05/2021 9:00ISOP 20155,00017.289

The complete overview of all disposals of own shares by Umicore since 01/01/2020 can be found here.

For more information

Investor Relations

Saskia Dheedene           +32 2 227 7221                       

Eva Behaeghe               +32 2 227 70 68                           

Aurélie Bultynck            +32 2 227 74 34                        

About Umicore

Umicore is a global materials technology and recycling group. It focuses on application areas where its expertise in materials science, chemistry and metallurgy makes a real difference. Its activities are organised in three business groups: Catalysis, Energy & Surface Technologies and Recycling. Each business group is divided into market-focused business units offering materials and solutions that are at the cutting edge of new technological developments and essential to everyday life. 

Umicore generates the majority of its revenues and dedicates most of its R&D efforts to clean mobility materials and recycling. Umicore’s overriding goal of sustainable value creation is based on an ambition to develop, produce and recycle materials in a way that fulfils its mission: materials for a better life. 

Umicore’s industrial and commercial operations as well as R&D activities are located across the world to best serve its global customer base. The Group generated revenues (excluding metal) of € 3.2 billion (turnover of € 20.7 billion) in 2020 and currently employs 10,800 people.