Islandsbanki hf.: Íslandsbanki Shareholders Meeting 26 May 2021- Results

Íslandsbanki hf. held its Shareholders Meeting today, Wednesday 26 May 2021, at 15.00 GMT, at the Bank’s headquarters in Hagasmári 3, Kópavogur. The Chairman of the Board, Hallgrímur Snorrason, called the meeting to order and welcomed guests.

The agenda of the meeting was as follows:

  1. Meeting convened
  2. Proposal to donate a part of the Bank’s art collection to art museums
  3. Proposal to amend the Bank's Articles of Association
  4. Proposal on the Rules of Procedure of Nomination Committee
  5. Other matters

Results of the shareholders meeting

The proposals presented to the shareholders meeting can be found on the Bank’s website:

  1. Proposal to donate a part of the Bank’s art collection to art museums

The Shareholders Meeting approved that the Bank would donate 203 of the Bank’s artworks to the National Gallery of Iceland or recognized museums, cf. Article 10 of the Museums Act no. 141/2011, in consultation with the National Gallery of Iceland. The artworks will be donated on the condition that the Bank continues to have in its custody the 51 artworks that the Bank uses in its operations. A custody agreement will be made between the Bank and the National Gallery of Iceland for a pre-defined period of time. Other artworks, 152 total, will be donated and handed over to the National Gallery of Iceland or other recognized art museums.

  1. Proposal to amend the Bank’s Articles of Association

The Shareholders Meeting approved new Articles of Association for the Bank, as presented to the meeting, which entail a comprehensive revision of the Bank’s Articles of Association.

  1. Proposal on the Rules of Procedure of the Nomination Committee

The Shareholders Meeting approved the proposal of the Rules of Procedure of the Bank’s Nomination Committee, as presented to the meeting.

  1. Other matters

No other matters were lawfully proposed at the meeting.

Other documents from the Shareholders Meeting can be found on the Bank’s website:

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About Íslandsbanki
With a history that dates from 1875, Íslandsbanki is an Icelandic universal bank with a strong customer focus. The Bank believes in moving Iceland forward by empowering its customers to succeed - reflecting a commitment to run a solid business that is a force for good in society. Driven by the ambition to be #1 for service, Íslandsbanki’s banking model is led by three business divisions that build and manage relationships with its customers. Íslandsbanki maintains a strong market share with the most efficient branch network in the country, supporting at the same time its customers’ move to more digital services. The Bank operates in a highly attractive market and, with its technically strong foundations and robust balance sheet, is well positioned for the opportunities that lie ahead. Íslandsbanki has a BBB/A-2 rating from S&P Global Ratings.



Samþykktir_Articles of Association_Íslandsbanki_2021 Shareholders meeting agenda 2021_final Fundargerð hluthafafundar 2021_EN Nomination Committee Rules Proposals 2021 Íslandsbanki hf. SM_final