Nyrstar releases notice for the 2020 annual general shareholders’ meeting to be held on 29 June 2021

Regulated Information

Nyrstar releases notice for the 2020 annual general shareholders’ meeting to be held on 29 June 2021

28 May 2021 at 07.00 CEST

Nyrstar NV (the “Company”) today issued the notice for the 2020 annual general shareholders’ meeting to be held on 29 June 2021 at 11:00 a.m. CEST.

In view of the government measures currently in place to combat and contain the Covid-19 pandemic,  the annual general meeting will be held digitally. Accordingly, shareholders will be offered the opportunity to use the Lumi AGM platform to participate in the meeting digitally and to vote during the meeting on the items on the agenda as set out in the convening notice of the general meeting. Shareholders will also be able to ask questions via a chatbox during the meeting. The practical modalities of the meeting are set out in the notice to the meeting which has been published on the Company's website (https://www.nyrstar.be/en/investors/share-and-bondholder-information/shareholder-meetings) and will also be made available to shareholders who validly register for the annual general shareholders’ meeting.

Depending on the evolution of the current government measures and regulations in place to combat and contain the Covid-19 pandemic in the coming weeks, the Company may further communicate about the participation and the organisation of the shareholders’ meeting on the Company’s website.

The full notice, including agenda, proposed resolutions and explanatory note can be found on the Nyrstar website: https://www.nyrstar.be/en/investors/share-and-bondholder-information/shareholder-meetings.

About Nyrstar
The Company is incorporated in Belgium and, following completion of the recapitalisation/restructuring has a 2% shareholding in the Nyrstar group. The Company is listed on Euronext Brussels under the symbol NYR. For further information please visit the Nyrstar website: www.nyrstar.be.

For further information contact:

Anthony Simms -       Head of External Affairs & Legal      M: +41 79 722 2152  anthony.simms@nyrstar.com



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