Cold Chain Logistics Market for Vaccines : Industry Trends and Global Forecasts, 2021-2030

INTRODUCTION Over 95% of all approved biologics and 90% of all vaccines are cold chain dependent. According to the data presented by the WHO, the current global vaccination coverage is nearly 85%; however, it has been reported that 25% of vaccines are damaged due to cold chain malfunction (improper distribution and shipping).

New York, May 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- announces the release of the report "Cold Chain Logistics Market for Vaccines : Industry Trends and Global Forecasts, 2021-2030" -
In some countries, about 80% of the drugs are estimated to lose their potency due to inadequate temperature control during their cold chain transportation. For some vaccines, even the slightest variations in temperature / storage conditions can adversely alter product integrity and / or viability. In this context, it is worth mentioning that there are several vaccines being developed against COVID-19; given the nature of the pathogen, these aforementioned product candidates are likely to be cold chain dependent. For example, the synthetic mRNA-based COVID vaccine being developed by Pfizer (which is, so far, the most promising candidate) is required to be stored at -70°C (-94°F) or lower. This fundamentally complicates the use and cold chain distribution for vaccines in temperate / equatorial regions, where distances between populated regions are vast and a proper cold chain infrastructure is lacking. Other healthcare products that need to be shipped / stored under low temperatures include aerosols, blood plasma, and certain diagnostics kits.

Considering the projected growth of the global population, it is likely that the demand for vaccines will indubitably increase. Consequently, well-defined cold chain infrastructure and established vaccine supply networks are crucial to the success of global level immunization initiatives. This is also true for all vaccination programs for COVID-19, which is an immediate and exigent concern. In other words, the biggest challenge in cold chain logistics is lack of / inadequate infrastructure to support the cold chain storage and / or transportation of vaccines. Moreover, connected cold chain solutions have been observed to offer a variety of advantages over conventional methodologies, such as automation of most of the steps and elimination of human handling errors that are associated with human intervention.

Over time, there has been significant consolidation in this industry, with stakeholders expanding their respective facilities / capabilities, and also making strategic acquisitions to better serve their growing clientele. Further, the logistics service providers are focused on devising and implementing flexible business strategies and technical advancements in order to cope with increased inflow of patients. The countries are also preparing for sustainable cold chain storage and distribution / supply of COVID-19 vaccine to different parts of globe, as the reliance on cold chain facilities for coronavirus vaccine is expected to increase substantially.

The ‘Cold Chain Logistics Market for Vaccines by Type of Vaccines (COVID-19 and Others), Type of Services (Storage, Packaging, and Transportation), Mode of Transportation (Ground, Air, and Ocean), Holding Temperature (Refrigerated, Frozen, and Deep Frozen / Cryogenic), Scale of Operation (Clinical and Commercial), Type of Container (Active and Passive), Type of Packaging Methods (Dry Ice, Liquid Nitrogen, and Gel Packs), End-Users (Industry and Non-Industry), Key Geographical Regions (North America, Europe, Asia, Latin America, MENA and Rest of the World): Industry Trends and Global Forecasts, 2021-2030, report features an extensive study of the current landscape, offering an informed opinion on the likely evolution of this industry, by 2030. Further, the study underlines an in-depth analysis of players engaged in offering cold chain logistics services for vaccines.

Amongst other elements, the report features:
A detailed assessment of the current market landscape of companies that claim to offer cold chain logistics services for vaccines based on a number of relevant parameters, such as year of establishment, company size (in terms of number of employees), location of headquarters, type of service(s) offered (storage, packaging, and transportation), mode of transportation used (ground, air, and ocean), holding temperature range (ambient, refrigerated, frozen, and deep frozen / cryogenic), type of packaging method adopted (dry ice, liquid nitrogen, and gel packs), type of container used (active and passive containers), end-user (healthcare and non-healthcare), availability of capabilities for transport of COVID-19 vaccine, location of cold chain facilities.
A contemporary market trend analysis, which includes [A] a tree map representation, comparing industry players on the basis of holding temperature range and company size, [B] a tree map representation, comparing industry players on the basis of holding temperature range and geographical activity, [C] a heat map representation comparing players on the basis of location of cold chain facility and geographical activity, [D] a grid representation which highlights the distribution of players based on mode of transportation, type of container and geographical activity, [E] a world map representation presenting the regional distribution of players engaged in this domain based on the location of their respective headquarters, and [F] a comparative grid representation to highlight the historical and current market landscape based on holding temperature range, mode of transportation, and geographical activity.
An insightful company competitiveness analysis, highlighting prominent logistics service providers, taking into consideration their supplier strength (in terms of experience of the service provider), and capabilities related to cold chain logistics (such as type of container, type of service(s) offered, holding temperature range, mode of transportation and location of cold chain facility).
Elaborate profiles of prominent service providers (shortlisted on the basis of the company competitiveness analysis) engaged in this domain. Each profile features a brief overview of the company (including information on year of establishment, number of employees, location of headquarters and key members of the executive team), details related to their respective portfolios for cold chain services, recent developments, and an informed future outlook.
An elaborate discussion on the various regulatory guidelines that have been laid down by major regulatory bodies (such as European Medicines Agency (EMA), United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA), Health Canada (HC), International Air Transport Association (IATA), International Safe Transit Association (ISTA), United States Pharmacopeia (USP), and World Health Organization (WHO)), specific to cold chain management. In addition, it features an insightful analysis, comparing these regulatory authorities based on the guidelines issued by them for different stages of the cold chain.
An analysis of the recent developments and initiative (partnerships, expansions, and initiatives) that have been undertaken in the cold chain logistics market for vaccines, during the period between 2016 and 2021. The chapter also includes details on the initiatives taken by big-pharma players in the last few years.
A detailed estimation of the likely demand for logistics services for COVID-19 vaccines and other vaccines (including over 15 types of mandatory and optional vaccines), considering the contributions from both clinical and commercially available products for infants and adults, over the period 2021-2030.
A detailed discussion on the upcoming tools / technologies (such as integration of automation and robotics, cloud computing, blockchain technology, artificial intelligence and other such advanced technical solutions) in the field of cold chain logistics and their likely impact on the future evolution of this market.
An insightful discussion on how the recent COVID-19 pandemic is likely to impact the cold chain logistics market for vaccines, along with information on the key initiatives undertaken by service providers to overcome the challenges faced due to the pandemic.

One of the key objectives of the report was to estimate the existing market size and future growth potential within the cold chain logistics market for vaccines over the next decade. We have developed an informed estimate of the financial evolution of the market, over the period 2021-2030. The report also provides details on the likely distribution of the current and forecasted opportunity across [A] type of vaccines (COVID-19 and other vaccines), [B] holding temperature range (refrigerated, frozen, and cryogenic), [C] scale of operation (clinical and commercial), [D] type of container (active and passive containers), [E] end-user (industry and non-industry), and [F] key geographical regions (North America, Europe, Asia, Latin America (LATM), Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and Rest of the World). In order to account for the uncertainties associated with some of the key parameters and to add robustness to our model, we have provided three market forecast scenarios, portraying the conservative, base and optimistic tracks of the industry’s evolution.

The opinions and insights presented in this study were also influenced by discussions conducted with several stakeholders in this domain. The report features detailed transcripts of interviews held with the following individuals (in alphabetical order):
Michael Vetter (Co-founder, Vetter Pharma)
Sagar Brahme (Deputy General Manager, Lisaline Lifescience Technologies)
Elena Boykova (Marketing Communications Manager, AirBridgeCargo Airlines)
Michelle Arnot-Kruger (Health Specialist, Cold Chain Logistics, UNICEF)
Shehdeh Abusnineh (Supply Chain Manager, Tabuk Pharmaceuticals)

All actual figures have been sourced and analyzed from publicly available information forums and primary research discussions. Financial figures mentioned in this report are in USD, unless otherwise specified.


The data presented in this report has been gathered via secondary and primary research. For all our projects, we conduct interviews / surveys with experts in the area (academia, industry and other associations) to solicit their opinions on emerging trends in the market. This is primarily useful for us to draw out our own opinion on how the market will evolve across different regions and segments. Where possible, the available data has been checked for accuracy from multiple sources of information.

The secondary sources of information include:
Annual reports
Investor presentations
SEC filings
Industry databases
News releases from company websites
Government policy documents
Industry analysts’ views
While the focus has been on forecasting the market till 2030, the report also provides our independent view on various non-commercial trends emerging in the industry. This opinion is solely based on our knowledge, research and understanding of the relevant market gathered from various secondary and primary sources of information.

Who are the leading players engaged in offering cold chain logistics services for vaccines, across the world?
Which regions are key hubs for cold chain related capabilities?
What are the key regulatory guidelines, related to cold chain storage / transportation of vaccines, that have been established across various geographies?
What are the most popular packaging methods used for cold chain logistics of vaccines?
What is the relative competitiveness of different cold chain logistics service providers engaged in this market?
Which partnership models are most commonly adopted by stakeholders engaged in this industry?
How is the recent COVID-19 pandemic likely to impact the cold chain logistics market for vaccines?
What are the key challenges associated with storage and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines?
What is the current, global demand (clinical, commercial and COVID-19) for vaccines?
How is the current and future opportunity likely to be distributed across key market segments?
What are the anticipated future trends related to cold chain logistics market for vaccines?

Chapter 2 is an executive summary of the insights captured in our research. It offers a high-level view on the likely evolution of cold chain logistics market for vaccines in the short-mid term and long term.

Chapter 3 is an introductory chapter that provides a detailed comparison of the traditional supply chain and cold chain, along with information on the various processes and procedures associated with cold chain logistics, including a discussion on its historical evolution. It also elaborates on the key steps involved in cold chain logistic operations of temperature-sensitive vaccines, including cold chain storage, packaging, transportation and monitoring. Further, the chapter provides a brief overview of vaccines which require cold chain operations, along with inputs on their preferred storage / transportation temperature ranges. It also features a discussion on the various modes of transportation used for such shipments. Further, the chapter includes a discussion on the various advantages and limitations associated with cold chain logistics and management industry.

Chapter 4 features a detailed discussion on various complexities associated with the cold chain logistics operations for vaccines (including COVID-19 vaccine). It also highlights the criticality of cold chain logistics during product manufacturing, storage, packaging and transportation. Furthermore, it provides information on recommended cold chain temperature profiles and best practices for shipping and storage of such vaccines. The chapter also elaborates on the various challenges related to cold chain for vaccines and their solutions. It further includes an informative multi-valent analysis to highlight the logistical complexities related to vaccines based on several parameters, such as temperature conditions, delivery time restrictions, handling / transportation requirements, and storage related needs.

Chapter 5 includes information on close to 80 industry players offering cold chain logistics services for vaccines based on a number of relevant parameters, such as year of establishment, company size (in terms of number of employees), location of headquarters, type of service(s) offered (storage, packaging, and transportation), mode of transportation used (ground, air, and ocean), holding temperature range (ambient, refrigerated, frozen, and deep frozen / cryogenic), type of packaging method adopted (dry ice, liquid nitrogen, and gel packs), type of container used (active and passive containers), end-user (healthcare and non-healthcare), availability of capabilities for transport of COVID-19 vaccine, location of cold chain facilities.

Chapter 6 features a contemporary market trend analysis, which includes [A] a tree map representation, comparing industry players on the basis of holding temperature range and company size, [B] a tree map representation, comparing industry players on the basis of holding temperature range and geographical activity, [C] a heat map representation comparing players on the basis of location of cold chain facility and geographical activity, [D] a grid representation which highlights the distribution of players based on mode of transportation, type of container and geographical activity, [E] a world map representation presenting the regional distribution of players engaged in this domain based on the location of their respective headquarters, and [F] a comparative grid representation to highlight the historical and current market landscape based on holding temperature range, mode of transportation, and geographical activity.

Chapter 7 features an insightful company competitiveness analysis, highlighting prominent logistics service providers, taking into consideration their supplier strength (in terms of experience of the service provider), and capabilities related to cold chain logistics (such as type of container, type of service(s) offered, holding temperature range, mode of transportation and location of cold chain facility).

Chapter 8 features elaborate profiles of prominent service providers (shortlisted on the basis of the company competitiveness analysis) engaged in this domain. Each profile features a brief overview of the company (including information on year of establishment, number of employees, location of headquarters and key members of the executive team), details related to their respective portfolios for cold chain services, recent developments, and an informed future outlook.

Chapter 9 elaborate discussion on the various regulatory guidelines that have been laid down by major regulatory bodies (such as European Medicines Agency (EMA), United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA), Health Canada (HC), International Air Transport Association (IATA), International Safe Transit Association (ISTA), United States Pharmacopeia (USP), and World Health Organization (WHO)), specific to cold chain management. In addition, it features an insightful analysis, comparing these regulatory authorities based on the guidelines issued by them for different stages of the cold chain.

Chapter 10 provides detailed analysis of the recent developments and initiative (partnerships, expansions, and other strategic initiatives) that have been undertaken in the cold chain logistics market for vaccines, during the period between 2016 and 2021. The chapter also includes details on the initiatives taken by big-pharma players in the last few years.

Chapter 11 features detailed estimation of the likely demand for logistics services for COVID-19 vaccines and other vaccines (including over 15 types of mandatory and optional vaccines), considering the contributions from both clinical and commercially available products for infants and adults, over the period 2021-2030.

Chapter 12 highlights the recent COVID-19 pandemic is likely to impact the cold chain logistics market for vaccines, along with information on the key initiatives undertaken by service providers to overcome the challenges faced due to the pandemic.

Chapter 13 presents an insightful market forecast analysis, highlighting the future potential of cold chain logistics market till 2030. We have segmented the market on the basis of [A] type of vaccines (COVID-19 and other vaccines), [B] holding temperature range (refrigerated, frozen, and cryogenic), [C] scale of operation (clinical and commercial), [D] type of container (active and passive containers), [E] end-user (industry and non-industry), and [F] key geographical regions (North America, Europe, Asia, Latin America (LATM), Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and Rest of the World).

Chapter 14 features a detailed discussion on the upcoming tools / technologies (such as integration of automation and robotics, cloud computing, blockchain technology, artificial intelligence and other such advanced technical solutions) in the field of cold chain logistics and their likely impact on the future evolution of this market.

Chapter 15 summarizes the overall report, wherein we have mentioned all the key facts and figures described in the previous chapters. The chapter also highlights important evolutionary trends that were identified during the course of the study and are expected to influence the future of the cold chain logistics market for vaccines.

Chapter 16 is a collection of transcripts of interviews conducted with various stakeholders in the industry. The chapter provides a brief overview of the companies and details of interviews held with Michael Vetter (Co-founder, Vetter Pharma), Sagar Brahme (Deputy General Manager, Lisaline Lifescience Technologies), Elena Boykova (Marketing Communications Manager, AirBridgeCargo Airlines), Michelle Arnot-Kruger (Health Specialist, Cold Chain Logistics, UNICEF), and Shehdeh Abusnineh (Supply Chain Manager, Tabuk Pharmaceuticals).

Chapter 17 is an appendix, which provides tabulated data and numbers for all the figures provided in the report.

Chapter 18 is an appendix, which contains the list of companies and organizations mentioned in the report.

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