Halmstads Energi och Miljö strengthens power grid for the future – with data analytics

Having a security of supply in the power grid of 99,99 percent does not make Halmstads Energi och Miljö AB (HEM) to sit back and relax. Instead, the regional Swedish energy company has declared to make digitalization of the power grid their next step forward. Installing the dInsight Analytics Platform from Dlaboratory Sweden AB (publ) has allowed the company to analyze grid data in-depth and take proactive measures to prevent outages and make grid investments.

- The advantage of dLab’s system is that we can find faults in the grid, incidents, and disturbances, before they develop into major outages. This is how we want to work, proactively, before anything has happened, says Jonas Stenberg, electrical engineer at Halmstads Energi och Miljö.

The collaboration between HEM and dLab started out as a pilot project in 2018 but by now dLab’s digital solution covers about 70 percent of HEM’s power grid.

- It is truly inspiring to learn about HEM’s ambitions within digitalization, and their determination to act today rather than waiting until tomorrow. And we are of course very proud of being able to contribute with our grid analytics platform identifying potential weaknesses and allowing for proactive work, says Henrik Winberg, COO of dLab.

dLab’s notification service alerts users when incidents that are regarded as potentially serious occurs, which allows Jonas and his team to look up the incidents in the grid analytics platform. Early warning is valuable in these processes, when time is of the essence, so that they can do something about the disturbance before the situation deteriorates.

- The upside of the system is both technical and financial; the time saved in fault detection has a huge impact on the operational efficiency, says Jonas Stenberg. It is a very handy tool, notifying us whenever something is not right, so that we do not need to constantly monitor the grid data values. It really makes grid analysis that much easier.

The platform allows HEM to check the power quality as well, ensuring that the company’s customers get the quality they need. dLab’s application dQuality can give a hint to where to look more in depth, also saving time.

Monitoring and digitally tracking the incidents with dLab’s solution ensure that HEM’s reliable grid of today can stay reliable in the future.

About Dlaboratory Sweden AB

Dlaboratory Sweden AB (publ) is a Swedish cleantech company offering a digital platform for gathering, analyzing, and presenting condition data for managing the future power grid. Our solutions enable proactive maintenance work, an increased security of supply, and fewer power outages. We are a commercial company since 2015 and the shares are listed at Nasdaq First North GM (DLAB) since April 2021.