VRANKEN-POMMERY MONOPOLE : Half-year liquidity contract statement 2021-06-30

Vranken Pommery Monopole

Public limited company with a capital of € 134 056 275
Registered office: 5, place Général Gouraud - BP 1049 - 51689 REIMS Cedex 2
348 494 915 R.C.S. on the Reims Trade and Companies Register

Paris, July 1st 2021

Half-year liquidity contract statement for Vranken Pommery Monopole

Under the liquidity contract entered into between Vranken Pommery Monopole and Kepler Cheuvreux, the following resources appeared on the liquidity account on June 30th 2021:

-    € 188,553.23

-    Number of executions on buy side on semester: 234

-    Number of executions on sell side on semester: 255

-    Traded volume on buy side on semester: 14,975 shares for € 252,391.70

-    Traded volume on sell side on semester: 20,143 shares for € 347,883.21

As a reminder :

•    the following resources appeared on the last half year statement on 31 December 2020 on the liquidity account:

-    € 93,411.64

-    Number of executions on buy side on semester: 237

-    Number of executions on sell side on semester: 276

-    Traded volume on buy side on semester: 15,122 shares for € 208,424.31

-    Traded volume on sell side on semester: 17,406 shares for € 244,353.98

•    the following resources appeared on the liquidity account when the activity started:

-    € 30,423.40

The liquidity agreement complies with AMF Decision n° 2018-01 dated 2nd July 2018, introducing liquidity agreements on equity securities as permitted market practice.




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