Taylor Recovery Offers Drug Rehab In Houston

Houston, July 02, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Taylor Recovery, a Houston, Texas based drug rehabilitation center, would like to reach out to local residents who may be in need of help with drug addiction and rehabilitation. The rehab center uses tried and tested methods under the guidance of highly trained professionals to help those who may be struggling with addiction beat their vices and return to a healthy, productive lifestyle free of drugs. The Houston rehab provides treatment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which means that an individual can always get the help they need. Learn more here: Taylor Recovery Rehab.

From the first day of treatment to the last day, Taylor Recovery offers what they call a full continuum of care. Their programs are designed to meet the needs of each individual patient instead of simply applying a one-size-fits-all approach. Patients undergo a detox program, residential treatment program or the outpatient and sober living program, receiving a number of different therapies and treatments depending on their needs and preferences.

The detox program offers individualized care for patients based on the kind of drug they were using and how long they used it. When the patient first arrives, they go through an extensive intake process, during which a team of medical professionals and doctors evaluate them and come up with a customized treatment plan aimed specifically at treating their specific issues.

Following the detox program, patients go into the residential treatment program. Taylor Recovery says, “After the patient has completed their stay in our medical detox center, they will be transferred into our residential treatment program at the same location. Once here, they will be assigned a primary therapist who will help construct a treatment plan specifically tailored for them. They will attend both daily group and individual sessions, meet with a psychiatrist and work through the causes of their addiction.”

The third and final stage of any patient’s treatment is outpatient and sober living in said patient’s Houston sober living apartment. Taylor Recovery’s sober living community is a large, luxurious living area located on the east side of Houston. Built over 22,000 square feet, the newly renovated facility welcomes anyone that wishes to be free of alcohol and drug addiction to spend time there and learn what it is to lead a sober lifestyle. Patients continue with the therapy process until they develop the skills and coping mechanisms needed to ensure that their chances of achieving and maintaining sobriety remain high.

Taylor Recovery is unique in that it is a rehab that allow dogs and cats. “Pets are not able to disguise or hide their emotions, and they openly react to human’s emotions,” the rehab center says. “As such, pets provide a great mirror for their human companions’ behavior. Pets also set an example for how to display emotional honesty. This is critical during the recovery process as our clients learn to experience and display emotional honesty and as our clients learn to recognize the effects of their behavior on those around them. Pets are also a great way to practice emotional and financial responsibility, as they need cared for no matter what. As our clients learn to protect their health and take better care of themselves, they also practice this by caring for their pets, who are entirely dependent on them.”

The loss or disruption of personal relationships is something that many who go through rehab have to face. Being away from friends and family for months can put a great deal of strain on an individual’s connections to these people, not to mention the damage that heavy alcohol and drug abuse can do to their relationships. One of the most important parts of rehabilitation is rebuilding core relationships and forming new ones, a slow and intimidating but absolutely necessary process. Pets love unconditionally, however, and people in recovery need such love in order to make it through what is, for many, one of the hardest things they will ever do in their lives.

For more information on Taylor Recovery, visit their YouTube channel and their website. Kristi Taylor of Taylor Rehab may be reached for further details as well.



For more information about Taylor Recovery, contact the company here:

Taylor Recovery
Kristi Taylor
5711 Lavender St, Houston, TX 77026


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