AB “Novaturas” has supplemented long-haul holiday destinations program with new exotic countries

The leading tour operator in the Baltic States “Novaturas” has supplemented long-haul holiday destinations program with new exotic countries - Mauritius, Zanzibar, Mexico, and Cuba.

"Holiday season in exotic countries usually includes the winter-spring months. Last year, due to pandemic restrictions, the choice of exotic holiday destinations was minimal. With most countries revoking and easing quarantine restrictions, additionally next to the usual exotic holiday destinations we have added such countries as Mexico, Cuba, Zanzibar, and Mauritius. We are also waiting for the popular Southeast Asian countries Thailand and Vietnam and the island of Bali to be fully open to travelers as well”, says Audronė Keinytė, head of “Novaturas” group.

During more than 20 years of operations, the company applies different ways of organizing trips, depending on the type of holidays offered. Trips are organized by both charter and regular airline flights. The company emphasizes that the most optimal option for exotic destinations are regular airline flights. "This is a long-established operation model that helps us manage potential risks and be flexible. Our aim is to ensure long-haul connecting flights with the lowest possible waiting time, and they are covered by guarantees of various risks, which is especially important at the moment. At the same time, such model also meets the expectations of our travelers - this way we can offer not only the largest supply of exotic destinations, various holiday durations, flights periods, combined leisure tours, but also can offer new destinations to our travelers every season”, says A. Keinytė.

The long-haul holiday season, depending on the market, starts in the last months of this year and will last until April 2022. Flights are planned to Thailand, Vietnam, Bali, Mexico, Cuba, Seychelles, Mauritius and Zanzibar. The nearest scheduled flights are to one of the most popular island states in the Caribbean - Cuba. Travelers also have the possibility to fly to Mauritius, Mexico and the Seychelles later this year.

About “Novaturas” Group

AB “Novaturas” Group is the largest tour operator in the Baltic States, offering summer and winter package holidays in more than 30 destinations worldwide and more than 100 sightseeing routes. In 2019, the group served more than 293 thousand customers.

Tomas Staškūnas 
+370 687 10426