Holders of His NFT Get to Meet the Lenny in Las Vegas
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lenny Dykstra and More Management, LLC today announced the release of the Official Lenny Dykstra NFT Collection. The collection is on sale now on OpenSea (https://opensea.io/collection/lennydykstra).
The Lenny Dykstra collection consists of 10 digital trading cards that highlight Lenny’s career on and off the field. Each card is priced at $30.00 and the entire collection is limited to 1000 pieces.
In addition to receiving the trading card, the NFT also serves as a ticket to the upcoming “LennyFest” in Las Vegas. Anyone holding an official Lenny Dykstra NFT will also be granted admission to the event to take place at a Las Vegas nightclub. The event is scheduled for early 2022.
The collection also features as auction of a 1 of 1 Golden Ticket that allows the winner and six friends to have dinner with Lenny Dykstra prior to LennyFest. Additionally, the Golden Ticket winner and six friends will have the main table at the evening’s party. The auction ends on November 1, 2021.
“I am so excited to be on the cutting edge of NFTs. This collection looks back at some of the highlights of my playing career from the World Series with the New York Mets to the All Star Games that I played in. I am looking forward to meeting the NFT collectors in person in Las Vegas,” added Lenny Dykstra.
More Management, LLC developed the drop with Lenny Dykstra. More operates a membership club that provides nightlife and concierge services in Las Vegas and Los Angeles. More also develops celebrity NFTs and administers the MORE Coin that trades on the Bittrex Exchange.
Kate Ellis