Chimeric Transforms Portfolio With a Clinically Validated, Off the Shelf, Natural Killer (NK) Cell Platform

  • Chimeric has obtained the exclusive option to license the CORE-NK platform, a Clinically validated, Off the shelf, Robust, Enhanced Natural Killer cell platform from Case Western Reserve University (CWRU)
  • The CORE-NK platform is a transformative platform technology enabling the accelerated development of multiple next generation off the shelf NK and CAR-NK products
  • The CORE-NK platform was studied in a phase 1 clinical trial completed in June 2021 in both solid tumours and blood cancers
  • The platform will see four new Chimeric assets initiate development in early 2022, leveraging the company’s existing portfolio of CARs
  • Initial clinical trials planned to begin in 2023 in blood cancers and solid tumours
  • Additional opportunity for further development of the platform exists through partnerships and/ or internal development
  • Propels Chimeric forward as the ASX leader in cell therapy and as an emerging global cell therapy company
  • Webinar to be held at 11am AEDT today to discuss further. Click here to register.

MELBOURNE, Australia, Nov. 30, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  Chimeric Therapeutics (ASX:CHM, “Chimeric” or the “Company”), a clinical-stage cell therapy company and the ASX leader in cell therapy, has entered into an exclusive option to license agreement with Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) for a Clinically validated, Off the shelf, Robust, Enhanced Natural Killer (CORE-NK) cell platform – a platform technology that provides the optimal foundation for the development of multiple next generation NK and CAR-NK products.

Natural killer (NK) cells have innate safety features and the natural ability to target and destroy cancer cells through both indirect and direct mechanisms. The challenge with natural killer (NK) cells is that they are not naturally abundant or active enough to overcome cancer.

Dr. David Wald, a leading expert in immuno-oncology at Case Western Reserve University in Ohio, USA designed and developed the CORE-NK platform, enhancing the natural anti-cancer properties of NK cells to be robust and active enough to overcome cancer.

The CORE-NK platform utilizes a foundation of healthy donor NK cells, activating and expanding them to establish an enhanced, off the shelf NK cell platform that can provide an abundant supply of highly active NK cells. Preclinical data on the CORE-NK platform was published in the prestigious family of Nature publications in 2019.

In May 2018 a phase 1 clinical trial was initiated at the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center to study the CORE-NK platform in patients with both solid tumours and blood cancers. The phase 1 clinical trial of the CORE-NK platform was completed in June 2021 with clinical data expected in 2022. The trial examined the safety, bioactivity and efficacy of the CORE-NK platform cells at 3 dose levels in patients with both blood cancers and solid tumours.

With the clinical validation from the phase 1 trial complete, the CORE-NK platform provides the ideal off the shelf platform for the development of next generation NK and CAR-NK products.

Chimeric intends to begin a research collaboration with CWRU to further enhance and engineer the CORE-NK platform cells to develop a next generation CORE-NK platform and three initial CAR-NK products.

“The clinical experience we’ve had with the CORE-NK platform gives us tremendous confidence in the development path for optimized NK and CAR NK products. We look forward to working in close collaboration with Chimeric to bring forward the next generation of NK and CAR NK products to the clinic,” said Dr. Wald, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Pathology Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and Member, Immune Oncology Program, Case Comprehensive Cancer Center, Associate Director for Basic Research, University Hospitals, Wesley Center for Immunotherapy.

The next generation CORE-NK platform will be developed with enhanced activation and expansion features with plans to study it as a combination therapy in blood cancers.

Three initial CAR-NK products will be developed using the next generation CORE-NK platform as a backbone leveraging Chimeric’s existing pipeline of chimeric antigen receptors (CARs); a CLTX CAR-NK (CHM 1301), a CDH17 CAR-NK (CHM 2301) and a currently undisclosed target CAR-NK (CHM 3301).

Chimeric will also explore additional opportunities to further leverage the CORE-NK platform to develop additional NK and CAR NK products through internal development and/or partnerships with other biotech and pharmaceutical companies.

This strategic agreement is transformative for Chimeric propelling the company forward as the Australian leader in cell therapy and as an emerging global cell therapy company with a robust and advanced portfolio of innovative autologous (personalized) and allogeneic (off the shelf) NK and T cell assets.  

"The CORE-NK platform is truly transformative for Chimeric. It provides us with a platform technology that triples our current portfolio by enabling us to accelerate the development of multiple new, off the shelf, NK cell assets that work in perfect synergy with our existing pipeline. We could not be more excited to be bringing the CORE-NK platform into our portfolio and to be working in collaboration with Dr. Wald and the expert team at CWRU. Their clinical trial experience with the CORE-NK platform and their expertise in the development of NK cells will catapult our development forward,” said Jennifer Chow, CEO Chimeric Therapeutics.

Under the terms of the option agreement, Chimeric has the exclusive right to license the CORE-NK platform for development and commercialization in cancer. Chimeric intends to rapidly move to complete full licensing of the platform and expects to pay CWRU development milestones and industry standard royalty payments based on commercial net sales. Upfront fees associated with the option agreement will be funded entirely from existing cash reserves.

The area of natural killer cells has seen widespread investment and partnership interest with numerous large transactions involving companies such as Merck, Takeda, Janssen and Kite.

Investor webinar

Chimeric Therapeutics CEO and Managing Director Jennifer Chow will hold an investor webinar today, Wednesday 1 December 2021, at 11am AEDT to elaborate on this announcement and take questions.

Click the link below to register:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about how to join the webinar. A recording of the webinar will be available at the same link shortly after the conclusion of the session.

Authorised on behalf of the Chimeric Therapeutics board of directors by Chairman Paul Hopper.

Chimeric Therapeutics, a clinical stage cell therapy company and the ASX leader in cell therapy, is focused on bringing the promise of cell therapy to life for more patients with cancer. We believe that cellular therapies have the promise to cure cancer not just delay disease progression.

To bring that promise to life for more patients, Chimeric’s world class team of cell therapy pioneers and experts is focused on the discovery, development, and commercialization of the most innovative and promising cell therapies.

CHM 1101 (CLTX CAR T) is a novel and promising CAR T therapy developed by scientists at the City of Hope Medical Centre in California for the treatment of patients with solid tumours. CHM 1101 is currently being studied in a phase 1 clinical trial in recurrent/ progressive glioblastoma. A 2nd CLTX CAR T phase 1 clinical trial is planned to begin in 2022 in additional solid tumours.

CHM 2101 (CDH17 CAR T) is a novel, 3rd generation CDH17 CAR T invented at the University of Pennsylvania. CHM 2101 (CDH17 CAR T) is currently in preclinical development with a planned phase 1 clinical trial in 2022 in Neuroendocrine Tumours, Colorectal, Pancreatic and Gastric Cancer.

Chimeric Therapeutics continues to be actively engaged in further developing its oncology pipeline with new and novel cell therapy assets that will bring the promise of cell therapy to life for more patients with cancer.


Jennifer Chow
Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director
Chimeric Therapeutics
T: + 1 9087238387

Paul Hopper
Executive Chairman
T: + 61 406 671 515

Matthew Wright
NWR Communications
P: +61 451 896 420