CEO of Utenos Trikotažas to change

Continuing company’s transformation, SBA Group’s Utenos Trikotažas CEO Petras Jašinskas will transfer his duties to Vytautas Vaškys as of 1 March this year. 

"Petras has played an important role in helping the company overcome unprecedented challenges during the pandemic and in continuing the strategic transformation of Utenos Trikotažas. We are grateful to him for this. As the company continues to concentrate on its core activities and accelerate the production of higher value-added innovative products, we are looking for a new CEO to take the lead. The changes are taking place by mutual agreement of the parties," says Dovilė Tamoševičienė, Chairman of the Board of Utenos Trikotažas. 

P. Jašinskas has been the CEO of Utena Trikotažas since the beginning of 2020. 

"We went through a very dynamic and challenging period - a pandemic, fragile supply chains, record-high prices for gas and raw materials. Nevertheless, I am grateful to the entire team, whose focus helped us successfully "put out the fires" and strengthen the foundations of our strategic direction by investing in innovation, sustainability, and efficiency, which are key to growing and competing in global markets. 

I have no doubts that Utenos Trikotažas will achieve its long-term goals," says P. Jašinskas.  

While the search for a new CEO is underway, V. Vaškys, who will temporarily manage the company, is currently a member of the Board of Utenos Trikotažas. He has also been a member of the Board of Kauno Baldai for a long time, has held other management positions in the SBA Group, and is also a member of the Board of other SBA companies. According to the Mr Vaškys, the company's short term priorities will be further optimisation of the company's operations, process efficiency and digitalisation, as well as the search for export markets and partners in promising textile segments. 

In addition to Utenos Trikotažas, the group of companies includes Aboutwear, Gotija, Šatrija, and Mrija (Ukraine). In the first nine months of 2021, the company's sales reached €21,3 million – 2,2% more than a year ago, when the group's sales reached €20,9 million. During this period, the group exported 82,3% of its production. 

More information:

Živilė Jonaitytė
CFO, Utenos Trikotažas AB
Mob.: +370 686 51938