Eimskip: Reduction of share capital

Reference is made to a press release from 17 March 2022 on the results of the Company‘s Annual General Meeting approving to reduce the Company’s share capital by ISK 2,150,000 and the share capital being reduced to 173,050,000 nominal value. The share capital will be reduced with cash payment to shareholders.

The Register of Enterprises of the Icelandic Revenue and Customs has now approved to grand the Company an exemption from the duty to issue a call to shareholders, cf. Article 53.2 of the Act no. 2/1995 respecting Public Limited Companies.

Reduction of capital with cash payment to shareholders

This reduction of capital will amount to ISK 2,150,000 nominal value with cash payment in the amount of ISK 1,075,000,000. The amount will on 27 April 2022 be paid to shareholders proportionally in accordance with their shareholding as registered in the Company‘s share registry at the end of the date of 26 April 2022. The amount of share capital reduction in the excess of nominal value will be recognized as a reduction of share premium or ISK 1,072,850,000. The last business day where the Company‘s shares will be trading with the right to payment regarding the reduction of share capital will be Friday 22 April 2022. The execution of this reduction will be as follows:

  • X-date 25 April 2022
  • Record date 26 April 2022
  • Reduction date 27 April 2022
  • Pay date 27 April 2022

For further information please contact Edda Rut Björnsdóttir, Executive Vice President of Human Resources & Communications via phone (+354) 825-3399 or investors@eimskip.is.