RGP Investments Announces Management Fees Reduction to the RGP Global Sector Class and the RGP Global Sector Fund

QUEBEC CITY, May 24, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- R.E.G.A.R. Gestion Privée Inc. (“RGP Investments”) announces the reduction, effective as of today, of the management fees for series A, series F, series T5 and series FT5 of shares of the RGP Global Sector Class and for class A and class F units of the RGP Global Sector Fund (the “Targeted Funds”), as more fully described below.

These reductions reflect the commitment of RGP Investments to offer funds with competitive pricing. These changes are more fully described below:

Name of Fund

Class of Units or

As a percentage (%) of NAV (annual rates)
Management Fees
Before May 23, 2022
Management Fees
Starting May 23, 2022
RGP Global Sector Fund

Class A Units2.0%1.9%
Class F Units1.0%0.9%
RGP Global Sector Class

Series A Shares2.0%1.9%
Series F Shares1.0%0.9%
Series T5 Shares2.0%1.9%
Series FT5 Shares1.0%0.9%

Additional information regarding the management fees of the Targeted Funds will be provided in the simplified prospectus, the annual information form and the Targeted Funds facts, copies of which be available on SEDAR at www.sedar.com.

About RGP Investments

RGP Investments acts as manager of the RGP Global Sector Fund, RGP Global Sector Class, Sectorwise Conservative Portfolio, Sectorwise Balanced Portfolio, Sectorwise Growth Portfolio, GreenWise Conservative Portfolio, GreenWise Balanced Portfolio, GreenWise Growth Portfolio and RGP Impact Fixed Income Portfolio (the “RGP Investments Funds”). As Manager, RGP Investments provides or arranges for the day-to-day administration of the RGP Investments Funds and provides, or arranges to provide, investment advice and portfolio management services to the RGP Investments Funds. The RGP Investment Funds are not guaranteed, their value fluctuates frequently and their past performance is not indicative of their future returns. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses may all be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. RGP Investments Funds are offered by authorized dealers.

Additional information about the RGP Investment Funds is available on SEDAR at www.sedar.com.

For further information:

Simon Destrempes
General Manager and Chief Compliance Officer
Toll free number: (855) 370-1077