Jump into Summer Free from Foot Pain

Avoid common foot problems with advice from foot and ankle orthopaedic surgeons

Rosemont, Ill., June 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Summer is almost here and many people are taking advantage of the warmer weather and participating in outdoor activities. According to foot and ankle orthopaedic surgeons, increasing your activity can increase your risk of foot and ankle injuries. As you prepare for the season, follow these tips to avoid pain while you stay active.

“It's great that people are outside and being active, but there's always some risk of injury with any sport or recreational activity,” said foot and ankle orthopaedic surgeon, Paul G. Talusan, MD, from the University of Michigan Health System. “In the summer months, we commonly see an increase in Achilles ruptures, Achilles tendinitis, ankle sprains, and various fractures in the foot and ankle.”

Kaitlin C. Neary, MD, a foot and ankle orthopaedic surgeon from Boise, Idaho, adds that summer footwear contributes to foot and ankle pain. “Flip flops have absolutely no support and the shoe’s design forces your muscles and Achilles tendon to work too hard to keep the flip flop in place when you walk,” she said. “Open-toed shoes may also predispose the feet and ankles to traumatic injury due to lack of protection and coverage.”

To enjoy your time outside and avoid the doctor’s office this summer, Drs. Neary and Talusan offer the following tips:

  • Wear shoes that are comfortable and fit properly for your activity.
  • Limit the amount of time spent in flip flops, sandals, or high heels. Have a backup pair of shoes available for when your feet start hurting. Don’t push through pain!
  • Start slow and take time to build up your strength and stamina to prevent stress fractures and other overuse injuries.
  • Stretch daily to maintain flexibility and relieve foot pain.

If you do sustain an injury, Drs. Talusan and Neary recommend seeking medical attention if you can’t put weight on the foot. In less severe cases – such as an injury caused by an increase in activity or spending the weekend in flip flops or high heels – apply ice to the area, consider taking anti-inflammatory medications such as aspirin, and rest for a few days to allow the pain to subside. If pain continues into the following days, call a foot and ankle orthopaedic surgeon in your area.

Learn more about foot and ankle conditions and treatment from FootCareMD.

About Foot and Ankle Orthopaedic Surgeons

Foot and ankle orthopaedic surgeons are medical doctors (MD and DO) who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders and injuries of the foot and ankle. Their education and training consist of four years of medical school, five years of postgraduate residency, and a fellowship year of specialized surgical training. These specialists care for patients of all ages, performing reconstructive surgery for deformities and arthritis, treating sports injuries, and managing foot and ankle trauma.

About the AOFAS

The American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society (AOFAS) mobilizes our dynamic community of foot and ankle orthopaedic surgeons to improve patient care through education, research, and advocacy. As the premier global organization for foot and ankle care, AOFAS delivers exceptional events and resources for continuous education, funds and promotes innovative research, and broadens patient understanding of foot and ankle conditions and treatments. By emphasizing collaboration and excellence, AOFAS inspires ever-increasing levels of professional performance leading to improved patient outcomes. For more information visit the American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society online at aofas.org.


Jessica Dornfeld

Director of Marketing and Membership

Direct 847-430-5094

Email: jdornfeld@aofas.org



Summer Activity

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