Summer Sights and Sounds Can Be Entertaining for Some, But Stressful for Others

Bach Rescue Remedy Pet Survey Finds “Fireworks” Are the Leading Cause of Stress for Pets

North Andover, MA, June 27, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- While many are prepping for cookouts and gatherings with friends and family, for a large number of pets, the evening of July 4th is spent cowering under the bed, hiding, and feeling stressed. While beloved by humans as they light up the night sky in awe-inspiring fashion, fireworks often lead to chaos and stress in the homes of pet owners. A new research report reveals fireworks lead in the category of pet-stressing activities. 

According to a Wakefield Research survey of 1,000 nationally representative US adults commissioned by Bach® Rescue Remedy® Pet, a homeopathic stress relief liquid remedy for pets made with natural flower essences, the majority of current and former pet owners say fireworks is a leading cause of stress for their pet(s) (54%). 

The report goes on to share the other major stressors including thunderstorms (53%), being left alone, or separated from their owners (46%), going to the veterinarian or groomer (44%), and traveling (28%). Nearly all (91%) current dog or cat owners say their pet has felt stressed by at least one of these situations. In addition, a stressed pet can mean a stressed owner. Nearly half (43%) of current owners of a cat or dog say they get or have felt stressed seeing their pet stressed out. During the summer months there is an increase in a combination of stressors with summer storms, more traveling, and loud celebrations like the 4th of July.

“It’s important to anticipate the stress your pets may feel in certain situations and get out ahead of it,” said Cathy Madson, a pet expert at Preventive Vet and spokesperson for Bach Rescue Remedy Pet. “We all know what will be happening the evening of July 4th, which means we can be proactive in reducing noise-related stress. I recommend offering Bach Rescue Remedy Pet starting several days in advance in your pet’s water, on treats, or directly in the mouth to begin the calming affect before the fireworks ever begin. This also holds true for preparing for an impending thunderstorm, grooming or vet visit, leaving them home alone, or while traveling.”

Managing stress for pets is just as important as managing stress for oneself. A host of research has investigated how interacting with pets reduces stress and how simply petting a dog or cat, for example, lowers the stress hormone cortisol and increases the feel-good hormone oxytocin, the same hormone that bonds mothers to their babies. So, it is not surprising to find out that a stressed pet can increase stress in the home.   

Additionally, the research found that pets and their owners often share similar stress triggers from comparable events and seeing each other’s responses can compound the stress levels in each other. These stressors run the gamut in humans from severe weather or natural disasters (42%), going to the doctor or dentist (39%), being away from family/friends for too long (31%), and traveling (20%). Of the participants surveyed, more women (41% vs. 33% of men) and those under age 40 (44% vs. 32% of those aged 40 or older) have felt stress seeing their pet stressed.

Looking for a reprieve for both you and your pet? More than half (51%) of current and former pet owners would provide relief for their frightened fur-pals with a natural, herbal, or homeopathic remedy, according to the survey. In addition, the research shows that more than half (56%) of Americans are likely to use these natural, herbal, or homeopathic remedies to relieve their own stress. 

“When we’re able to stay calm and confident, our pets feel more safe and secure,” said Madson. “It’s okay to comfort your pet when they’re anxious but you need to stay composed and relaxed yourself. Pets know when we’re stressed, and if they sense it in you, they’ll often mirror those emotions. Many pet owners are concerned about using prescription medications, so trying a remedy made with natural ingredients is appealing for them. For years, I’ve been recommending Bach Rescue Remedy Pet as a sedative-free way of addressing stress and occasional anxiousness in pets. My clients have also found the non-addictive human formula beneficial for themselves, as well.”

Don’t let your pet suffer from stress this summer, or at any other time of year. Visit  to learn more.


Nelsons, the guardian of Bach® Original Flower Remedies & Rescue® brands, has been helping people to live happier, healthier lives since 1860.  Nelsons’ portfolio of stress and sleep remedies and dietary supplements help support adults, children, and pets, working in tune with the mind & body to give individual harmony, helping you navigate an increasingly hectic and complex world. 

Homeopathic product claims are based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated. Homeopathic remedies may not be effective for everyone. Individual results may vary.

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