New Study from Fordham University’s Responsible Business Coalition Highlights Potential for Eco-Labels in Fashion

Findings show consumers prefer sustainability information on clothing tags and are most interested in details on recyclability

New York, New York, June 28, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fordham University - Gabelli School of Business’ Responsible Business Coalition (RBC), an incubator for collective action among the leaders of modern business to improve the ESG impact on industries worldwide, in partnership with Rockbridge Associates, today announced the results of a nationally representative survey designed to gain insight into consumers’ opinions related to fashion brands’ use of eco-labels on garments to provide information on sustainability and social

As the conscious consumer movement continues gaining momentum, there’s been a large focus on fashion given the size and scope of the industry and its significant impact on the planet. Consumers have become increasingly more aware of the environmental and societal impacts associated with the manufacture, sale, use, and recyclability of the fashion brands that they wear. As a result, 69% of consumers say sustainability is an important factor when making a fashion purchase according to a 2021 study.

To understand consumers’ needs and wants related to fashion eco-labels, RBC partnered with Rockbridge Associates to survey 500 US consumers on their level of interest in eco-labels, the environmental and social issues of greatest importance to them, and their preferred means of receiving this information as part of the 2021 National Technology Readiness Survey. Full findings can be found here.

Notable survey findings include:

  • When asked to rate interest in eco-labels on a scale of 1-7, approximately half of consumers responded with a 5, 6 or 7, indicating a substantial interest in eco-labels among this population.
  • Interest in eco-labels is primarily driven by younger, college educated and employed fashion consumers who live in urban settings. By contrast, older, high school educated, and unemployed consumers tend to show much less interest.
  • Nearly half of consumers (46%) indicated that recyclability is an issue of importance to them that they would like displayed on eco-labels, followed by human and labor rights (39%).
  • One-in-three respondents (33%) indicated that chemical usage, animal welfare and material usage are important to them, with information on carbon footprint following close behind in importance, chosen by 31% of respondents.
  • Most consumers (65%) want eco-labels attached directly to the garments that they are considering purchasing via a brand label, the price tag, or both.
  • As it relates to online shopping, 44% of respondents indicated they’d prefer an eco-label in the form of a sustainability icon on the website, a website filter, or both.

​​Taken as a whole, these results indicate that eco-conscious fashion consumers want brands to communicate garments’ sustainability credentials through a means that is straightforward and easily accessible. While the majority indicated they prefer this information displayed on either brand labels or price tags in-store, and displayed via an icon or website filter while online shopping, nearly one-in-four respondents (24%) also indicated that they would like a designated area (in-store or online) for
purchasing sustainable products.

Moreover, their first priorities for eco-labels are knowing that clothing can be recycled, as opposed to ending up in a landfill, that the brand treats humans and animals fairly, and that no harmful substances or materials were used in the manufacturing process. It’s also worth noting that one-in-five consumers (21%) indicated diversity and inclusion information is of importance to them as well.

“From these findings, it’s clear that there is a lot of potential for eco-labels in the pursuit of sustainable fashion,” said Dr. Lerzan Aksoy, managing director of the Responsible Business Coalition. “While older generations may not find them as influential or necessary as younger generations, millennials and Gen Z will represent over half of the world’s income within the next ten years. Brands who want to remain competitive and relevant will need to prioritize transparency when it comes to social and environmental impact, and clearly communicating their credentials to these consumers. At the RBC, we believe fashion has the potential to be a powerful force for good in the world and are committed to working with leaders in the industry to identify people- and planet-focused solutions that protect ecosystems and people while driving business value and profitability.”

The release of the “Consumer Interest in Fashion Eco-Labeling" survey comes on the heels of RBC’s release of their Scaling ESG Solutions in Fashion report, which serves as a playbook on actionable solutions the fashion industry can implement now in order to lessen its impact and achieve sustainability goals. By implementing the solutions outlined, brands and retailers will be able to more clearly communicate their sustainability credentials via eco-labels online and in-store.

To learn more about the Responsible Business Coalition, please visit:

About the RBC:
The Responsible Business Coalition (RBC) at Fordham University’s Gabelli School of Business is an applied research center and incubator for collective action among the leaders of modern business, focused on building the business case for sustainability to drive transformation. The RBC’s mission is to bridge industry and academia with a focus on sustainability, to convene leaders of modern business, incubate collective action, and engage faculty and industry leaders to foster a values-based education.

About Rockbridge Associates:
Rockbridge is an innovative market research firm that provides research and consulting to Fortune 500 companies in the services and technology sectors, as well as leading non-profits and government. The firm guides clients on strategic areas including customer loyalty, segmentation, branding, and product development. Rockbridge offers a suite of proven solutions designed with the sole purpose of discovering insights that drive business outcomes. Rockbridge was founded in 1992, and has offices in the Washington, DC and New York metro areas.


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