Remember When . . .?: Delightfully Unusual Memoir HUSH PUPPY Inspires Nostalgia and Humor in Short, Insightful Snippets With a Dash of History

Palmetto Publishing’s latest memoir will make you think, laugh, debate and discuss

Charleston, SC, Sept. 21, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Over the course of his lifetime spanning 75 years, Quiet Dog has seen great changes in the world. But throughout it all, he has maintained his sense of humor. Seeking to impart his wit and insight, alongside a little history, he presents Hush Puppy, a book of quotes to provide food for thought and to inspire debate. Reflecting on his past, Quiet Dog regales readers with inspirational quotes of his own and provides a dose of nostalgia with quotes from famous people from the past. 

“I wrote this book to encourage people to think, laugh and converse,” says Quiet Dog. “May we always find humor, laughter and a little bit of knowledge.”

Hush Puppy is available for purchase online at For more information on the book and Quiet Dog, please visit any of his social media platforms.

About the Author:

Raised in the South, Quiet Dog got his nickname from a Southern food staple, the hushpuppy, which he named a “quiet dog,” much to the amusement of family, friends and strangers.


Hush Puppy

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