HUNTINGTON, W.Va., Nov. 01, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Huntington Junior College (HJC), Huntington, W.Va., announced the addition of general education courses as a graduation requirement, a move designed to produce well-rounded graduates who are skilled at critical thinking and ready to succeed in the workforce. Click to tweet.
Since acquiring HJC last spring, school administrators have been meeting with and surveying area employers to learn what skills they need most in employees. “Soft skills and critical thinking are at the top of the list,” said Dr. Kiko Suarez, the chief academic officer at HJC. “These skills will be embedded throughout our new general education requirement, which sets a new student success framework and better prepares graduates for employment.”
New students enrolling at HJC beginning in 2023 must complete four credit hours each in U.S. History, U.S. Government, Ethics, and Economics. Upon completion, students will earn a Certificate in Civics. Since the courses are mandatory and embedded in all programs, students will obtain this additional college Certificate as they complete their associate’s degree.
“Our experience teaching these courses in other institutions has shown us that students benefit from knowing more about their country’s history, their rights and duties as citizens, and how the economy works. This in turn produces well-rounded students who are confident in their abilities and eager to succeed,” said Suarez.
More information about HJC degrees and programs can be found at
About HJC
Founded in 1936, Huntington Junior College (HJC) is a comprehensive, open-admission private institution that serves students from the West Virginia, Kentucky, and Ohio tri-state area, as well as globally. The college’s mission is to prepare students for successful employment and lifelong learning. The college is ranked among the top six medical assistant schools and dental schools in West Virginia and has robust substance abuse counseling and business management programs. HJC is owned by SensibleSchool, Inc., a subsidiary of Certell, Inc.
For information contact:
Mara Conklin, (847) 340-6823
Kathy Zoeller, (312) 485-2422