United States Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Market Report 2022: Instructional Materials were $1.72 Billion, up 25.9% Y-o-Y and are Forecast to Increase at a Lower Rate in 2023-2024

Dublin, Nov. 17, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "United States Social and Emotional Learning: 2022-2023" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.

The analyst has estimated that sales of social-emotional learning (SEL) instructional materials were $1.725 billion for the 2021-2022 school year; representing an increase of 25.9% over the previous year. The analyst has also estimated that year-on-year growth will slow slightly in 2023-2024, but will remain very robust at 22.9%.

Pandemic related student learning losses and ongoing mental health stresses among young people are key factors in contributing to the ongoing and pressing need for teachers to continue to provide "social and emotional learning" (SEL) education in the classroom. However the report identifies two major threats--one current and one on the horizon - that threaten schools' ability to maintain teaching these skills and competencies

The current threat is a political backlash in some quarters to the concept and value of social emotional learning instruction itself, and those pressures could put a brake on its growth if school districts or individual teachers become nervous or hesitant to offend or contradict those opposed to teaching SEL.

The threat on the horizon is the fact that federal ESSER funds that were allocated to schools for various learning assistance, including social emotional learning, must be obligated by 2023, leaving a potential void where funds once were available.

What is Social Emotional Learning?

Social Emotional Learning encompasses five core competencies with which most schools and districts with SEL strategies align. These are: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.

Some of the lessons that are included in a SEL program include how to show empathy to others, identify and manage emotions, resolve conflicts, enter into healthy relationships, achieve goals, be resilient, take responsibility, and recognize and make responsible decisions, among many other so-called "soft skills."

SEL is part of a whole-child approach and not just for students who are facing a crisis.

Inside the Report

The complete report analyzes and provides data and information on all the forces impacting the growth in Social and Emotional Learning. According to the analyst, sales of social emotional learning (SEL) instructional materials were $1.725 billion, up 25.9% over the previous year and are forecast to increase, though at a lower rate in 2023-2024.

Also covered in the report are data on which age groups in the classroom obtain the greatest amount of SEL instruction, an analysis of digital vs. non digital materials; the key role of supplementary SEL material and forecasts of future sales.

Also covered is a description and analysis of the competitive landscape of publishers and providers that make up the SEL instructional sector. The analyst has found that the landscape is quite fragmented, consisting of a wide range of new, smaller, national and local providers. Some of the providers create and disseminate evidence-based SEL materials, while others publish more informal, non-evidence based ones.

The report also examines specific educational areas that relate closely or benefit from SEL, such as college and career readiness, diversity, equity and inclusion, integration into standard academic instruction, student engagement, professional development, the use of technology, challenges in selecting materials, assessment, and the need for adult SEL

Other key issues covered in the report include analyses of competitive trends including a breakdown of the major market segments (comprehensive vs niche; grade level; digital vs. print fee vs. free materials); the types of players in the market (non-profits, associations; universities, school districts, educators and large publishers); and a look to the future.

Rounding out the report are detailed case studies from specific schools, districts and states as well as profiles of select SEL Publishers' offerings

What this Report Covers

In addition to examining and determining market size and structure, the report also examines: research highlighting the academic benefits of SEL instruction; key SEL market drivers including federal, state and local funding; the oversize impact of the pandemic on the need and use of SEL materials; overlap and integration with other key educational trends such as diversity, equity and inclusion, student engagements, professional development and use of technology and digital materials.

Broader social trends are also examined including the role of the teacher and rise and impact of political pushback on schools' use of SEL. Also included are a breakdown of market segments by grade, format, free vs. fee materials and the types of vendors. Several in-depth case studies of individual schools, districts and states policies are analyzed, and finally a profile of selected key vendors and offerings are provided as well.

Key Findings

Key findings examined and analyzed in this report include highlights such as the fact that federal ESSER funding sources accounted for 54.7% of purchases in SEL; 55.6% of sales of SEL instructional materials are directed towards grades preK-5 and that sales of supplemental materials in SEL outweigh core instructional materials, making up 56.2% of sales in 2021-2022. Another key finding is a determination that digital programs accounted for 65.2% of total SEL-related sales in the 2021-2022 school year.

Key Trends Discussed

Several significant trends and developments are explored and analyzed in the report. Among them are the outsize influence the pandemic had on the need and use for SEL materials; a need for SEL oriented towards adults; the challenge of looking towards the end of federal ESSER funding; how and why the competitive landscape is so fragmented and the implications; and the conflicting forces that are both advancing and potentially braking the continued rise of SEL instruction in the classroom

Key Topics Covered:

  • Methodology
  • Executive Summary
  • Market Size and Structure
    • What is SEL?
    • Academic Benefits
    • College and Career Readiness
    • Other Benefits: From Mental Health to Equity
    • Strong Impact, Low Cost
    • Market Drivers
      • COVID Crisis Magnifies Need
      • What the Research Says
      • Vendors Respond
      • Federal Policy and Funding
      • Table ESSER Funding Rounds
      • State Policy and Funding
      • Local Policy and Funding
    • Dealing with Political Pushback
    • Market Size
  • Trends and Opportunities
    • Gaps at the Secondary Level
    • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
    • Links To Trauma, Behavior, and Mental Health
    • Integration into Academics
    • Vendors' Response
    • Links with College and Career Ready Strategies
    • Student Engagement Is Essential
    • The Need for Adult SEL
    • Key to Success: Professional Development
    • The Use of Technology in SEL
      • Sales of Social-Emotional Learning Instructional Materials, 2020-2021 and 2021-2022, Physical vs. Digital (in millions)
    • The Importance of Assessment
    • Ease of Use for Teachers
    • Flexibility Foremost
  • Competitive Trends
    • Market Segments
      • Comprehensive versus Niche Programs
      • Grade-Level Specialization
      • Assessment Specialists
      • Digital, Print, and Hybrid Solutions
      • Free and Open-Source versus For-Pay
    • A Wide Variety of Players
      • Non-Profits and Associations
      • Universities, School Districts, and Educators
      • Role of the Big Publishers
    • The Difficulty of Selecting SEL Materials
  • Case Studies
    • School Implementations
      • Indian Head Elementary School in Charles County (Maryland) Public Schools
      • Oak Creek High School in Oak Creek-Franklin (Wisconsin) Joint School District
      • Belle Plaine Junior and Senior High in Belle Plaine (Minnesota) Public School District
    • District Implementations
      • Department of Social and Emotional Learning, Birmingham (Alabama) City Schools
      • Department of Advanced Academic Services and Social & Emotional Learning, Dallas (Texas)
    • State Implementations
      • Nevada Department of Education Office for a Safe and Respectful Learning Environment
      • Kansas State Department of Education
      • Bureau of Student Wellness & Nutrition in the New Hampshire Department of Education
  • A Look Ahead
    • Trends to Watch
    • Market Forecast
      • Sales of Social-Emotional Learning Instructional Materials, 2021-2022 through 2023-2024, By Funding Source (in millions)
      • Sales of Social-Emotional Learning Instructional Materials, 2021-2022 through 2023-2024, By Grade Level (in millions)
      • Sales of Social-Emotional Learning Instructional Materials, 2021-2022 through 2023-2024, Core vs. Supplemental (in millions)
      • Sales of Social-Emotional Learning Instructional Materials, 2021-2022 through 2023-2024, Physical vs. Digital (in millions)
    • Instructional Materials Needs
    • Success Factors
  • Profiles of Select SEL Offerings
    • 7 Mindsets
    • Al's Pals
    • Aperture Education
    • Before the Bullying
    • Caring School Community (CSC)
    • Character First
    • Competent Kids, Caring Communities (CKCC)
    • Conscious Discipline
    • Getting Along Together (GAT)
    • I Can Problem Solve (ICPS)
    • Leader in Me
    • Lions Quest
    • Move This World
    • Panorama Education
    • Playworks
    • Positive Action
    • Responsive Classroom
    • ReThink Education
    • RULER
    • Second Step
    • WCSD-SECAs
    • We Have Skills!
    • Wings for Kids
    • Zones of Regulation

For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/lqv3pv



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