Inbank Unaudited Financial Results for Q4 and Full Year 2022

In Q4 2022 Inbank earned a consolidated net profit of 2.1 million euros, decreasing 27% year-on-year. The net profit for the full year of 2022 was 21.1 million euros increasing 92% year-on-year. The return on equity in Q4 was 8.4% and for the full year 23.3%.

  • Inbank’s loan portfolio increased by 25% compared to Q4 2021 reaching 755 million euros. The deposit portfolio grew 34% and reached 829 million euros by the end of Q4. At the end of 2022, Inbank’s total assets exceeded 1 billion euros.
  • Total sales for Q4 were 135 million euros, decreasing 4% year-on-year. In terms of product segments, sales finance decreased 16% year-on-year to 87.2 million euros, amounting to 64% of total sales. Personal loans increased by 34.8% to nearly 21.3 million euros, while car financing increased in sales volume by 27.8% to 26.9 million euros. 
  • Annual total sales for 2022 was 535 million euros showing an increase of 7.5% compared to 2021. Together with car subscription subsidiary Mobire, the sales volumes reached 577 million euros and grew 10% year-on-year. Growth was driven by sales finance, which contributed almost 337 million euros. 
  • By the end of Q4, the number of active contracts reached 865,000 and active partners exceeded 5,400.

Priit Põldoja, Chairman of the Management Board, comments on the results:

“While Inbank closes a strong 2022 with another solid quarter, we continue to navigate extraordinary circumstances. It’s been almost a year since Russia’s attack on Ukraine. Increasing inflationary pressures have resulted in sharp interest rises, first in Poland and then in the Eurozone. Rising rates have had an increasing impact on Inbank’s performance during the last few quarters. 

Despite high inflation and decreasing consumer confidence, our credit portfolio has remained resilient. Our impairment losses increased compared to the record low in 2021 by 68% to 11.2 million euros. However, the impairment loss to the average credit portfolio remained at the 1.6% level. In Q4, Inbank’s impairment losses were 1.3%. This result is a testament to our strong credit underwriting capabilities.

In many respects, 2022 was an extraordinary year for Inbank. We made a record profit of 21.1 million euros, of which the 11.4 million euro extraordinary profit resulted from the sale of our 29.8% stake in Maksekeskus. For the first time, our total assets reached over 1 billion euros. We continued our international expansion by entering the Czech market. 

We believe that our long-term opportunity in embedded finance is substantial, and we will continue to invest in new products as well as in international expansion. Nevertheless, with a challenging interest rate environment and uncertain economic prospects in Europe for 2023, we will need to remain attentive to external forces while pursuing our profitable growth strategy.”

Key financial indicators as of 31.12.2022 and for Q4

Total assets EUR 1.02 billion
Loan portfolio EUR 755.1 million
Deposit portfolio EUR 828.9 million
Total equity EUR 101.9 million
Net profit EUR 2.1 million
Return on equity 8.4%

Consolidated income statement (in thousands of euros)*    
 Q4 2022Q4 202112 months 202212 months 2021
Interest income based on EIR19 43613 17965 39248 038
Interest expense-7 583-2 598-20 152-9 590
Net interest income11 85310 58145 24038 448
Fee and commission income1 0926613 5602 200
Fee and commission expenses-1 070-810-3 636-3 117
Net fee and commission income/expenses22-149-76-917
Net gains from financial assets measured at fair value230320
Foreign exchange rate losses1-25-780-23
Net losses from financial items24-25-748-23
Other operating income8 1035 78628 62119 347
Other operating expenses-6 670-4 073-21 680-14 251
Total net interest, fee and other income and expenses13 33212 12051 35742 604
Personnel expenses-3 801-3 093-13 822-11 623
Marketing expenses-1 071-1 003-3 350-2 829
Administrative expenses-2 549-2 059-8 675-6 186
Depreciations, amortisation-1 186-939-4 472-3 360
Total operating expenses-8 607-7 094-30 319-23 998
Profit before profit from associates and impairment
losses on loans
4 7255 02621 03818 606
Share of profit from associates-117211 419335
Impairment losses on loans and advances-2 460-1 671-11 170-6 668
Profit before income tax2 2543 42721 28712 273
Income tax-120-490-196-1 310
Profit for the period2 1342 93721 09110 963
Other comprehensive income that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss    
Currency translation differences-26842-2-59
Total comprehensive income for the period1 8662 97921 08910 904

Consolidated statement of financial position (in thousands of euros)  
Due from central banks126 99077 45327 445
Due from credit institutions18 34517 87019 784
Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss3700
Investments in debt securities8 4157 68413 618
Loans and advances 755 100604 848402 212
Investments in associates1 0657744 026
Assets classified as held for sale04 2030
Other financial assets3 3872 1511 350
Tangible assets48 53319 147833
Right of use assets23 24725 2311 157
Intangible assets26 24922 42316 139
Other assets5 9612 7691 297
Deferred tax assets3 1662 4012 170
Total assets1 020 495786 954490 031
Customer deposits828 894617 857391 341
Other financial liabilities55 24049 18812 218
Current tax liability0284864
Deferred tax liability1871250
Other liabilities3 6803 2962 810
Debt securities issued004 010
Subordinated debt securities30 57037 18717 563
Total liabilities918 571707 937428 806
Share capital1 026997961
Share premium31 85530 43623 865
Statutory reserve1009690
Other reserves1 4211 6251 438
Retained earnings67 52245 86334 871
Total equity101 92479 01761 225
Total liabilities and equity1 020 495786 954490 031

*To provide a better overview, an adjustment was made in the 31.12.2021 financial statements, which resulted in reclassification of the subsidiary's 100% buyout option expense which is now reflected in the same expense group as the subsidiary's other operating expenses. In addition, due to the growth of Polish and Czech business and foreign currency transactions, foreign exchange gains and losses were reclassified from administrative expenses and are reported under "Foreign exchange rate revaluation losses". The effect of the changes on the financial statements and the numerical indicators are presented in the table below:

In thousands of euros31.12.2021Reclassification 31.12.2021 restatedQ4 2021ReclassificationQ4 2021 restated12 months 2021Reclassification12 months 2021 restated
Foreign exchange rate losses0-23-230-25-250-23-23
Other operating expense-13 833-418-14 251-3 839-234-4 073-13 833-418-14 251
Administrative expenses-6 627441-6 186-2 318259-2 059-6 627441-6 186

Inbank is a consumer finance focused digital bank active in the Baltics, Poland, and the Czech Republic with additional deposits accepted in Germany, Austria, and the Netherlands. Inbank has over 5,400 active partners and 865,000 active contracts. Inbank bonds are listed on the Nasdaq Baltic Stock Exchange.

Additional information:
Merit Arva
AS Inbank
Head of Communications
+372 553 3550


