Ferrari N.v.: Periodic Report on the Buyback Program

(Italy), March 20, 2023 – Ferrari N.V. (NYSE/EXM: RACE) (“Ferrari” or the “Company”) informs that the Company has purchased, under the Euro 200 million share buyback program announced on December 1, 2022, as the second tranche of the multi-year share buyback program of approximately Euro 2 billion expected to be executed by 2026 in line with the disclosure made during the 2022 Capital Markets Day (the “Second Tranche”), the additional common shares - reported in aggregate form, on a daily basis - on the Euronext Milan (EXM) and on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) as follows:

  EXM NYSE Total
Trading Number of common shares purchased Average price per share Consideration excluding fees Number of common shares purchased Average price per share Consideration excluding fees Consideration excluding fees Number of common shares purchased Average price per share Consideration excluding fees
Date excluding fees   excluding fees    excluding fees  
(d/m/y) (€) (€) ($) ($) (€)* (€)* (€)*
13/03/2023 4,550 243.2824 1,106,934.92 5,722 260.7008 1,491,729.98 1,393,358.84 10,272 243.4087 2,500,293.76
14/03/2023 4,555 243.1775 1,107,673.51 5,459 262.1779 1,431,229.16 1,332,987.94 10,014 243.7249 2,440,661.45
15/03/2023 4,575 242.0282 1,107,279.02 6,283 255.5398 1,605,556.56 1,521,998.83 10,858 242.1512 2,629,277.85
16/03/2023 4,530 244.3575 1,106,939.48 - - - - 4,530 244.3575 1,106,939.48
17/03/2023 4,500 246.3671 1,108,651.95 5,131 258.9369 1,328,605.23 1,250,687.41 9,631 244.9735 2,359,339.36
  22,710 243.8344 5,537,478.88 22,595 259.2220 5,857,120.93 5,499,033.02 45,305 243.6047 11,036,511.90

(*) translated at the European Central Bank EUR/USD exchange reference rate as of the date of each purchase

Since the announcement of such Second Tranche till March 17, 2023, the total invested consideration has been:

  • Euro 84,705,847.64 for No. 374,358 common shares purchased on the EXM
  • USD 22,150,535.52 (Euro 20,868,549.48*) for No. 91,310 common shares purchased on the NYSE.

On March 15, 2023, in the Ferrari Group employees’ granting share process, the Company assigned No. 80,305 common shares held in treasury. On the same day Ferrari purchased, in a “cross order” transaction executed on the EXM, No. 34,671 common shares in order to cover individual's taxable income as standard practice (Sell to Cover) at the average price of Euro 243.6708 per share.
As of March 17, 2023, the Company held in treasury No. 12,247,663 common shares equal to 4.77% of the total issued share capital including the common shares and the special voting shares, net of shares assigned under the Company’s equity incentive plan.

Since July 1, 2022 until March 17, 2023, the Company has purchased a total of 1,274,076 own common shares on EXM and NYSE, including transactions for Sell to Cover, for a total consideration of Euro 264,748,387.14.

A comprehensive overview of the transactions carried out under the buyback program, as well as the details of the above transactions, are available on Ferrari’s corporate website under the Buyback Programs section (


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FNV BB PR 20 March 2023 ENG