Draft Resolutions of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

The draft resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Panevezio statybos trestas AB to be held on 27 July 2023 are as follows:

1. Amendment of the Articles of Association of Panevezio statybos trestas AB.

1.1. To amend the Articles of Association of Panevezio statybos trestas AB. To approve the new wording of the Articles of Association of Panevezio statybos trestas AB (attached).

1.2. To authorise the Managing Director of Panevezio statybos trestas AB to sign the Articles of Association of the company and submit them to the Notary Public.

1.3. To delegate the Managing Director of Panevezio statybos trestas AB or any person authorised thereby to perform any and all actions related to provision of the amended Articles of Association for replacement to the administrator of the Register of Legal Entities, sign all documents required to that effect, collect the registered the Articles of Association of the company and perform all other required actions related to the delegation thereof.

2. Selection of the audit company to carry out the audit of the set of annual financial statements of Panevezio statybos trestas AB and determining the terms of payment for audit services.

2.1. To select Grant Thornton UAB as an auditor to carry out the audit of the financial statement sets of Panevezio statybos trestas AB and the companies of Panevezio statybos trestas AB Group for the years 2023 and 2024. To pay the amount not exceeding 71,400 (seventy one thousand four hundred) Euros (VAT excluded) per 2023 and the amount not exceeding 76,400 (seventy six thousand four hundred) Euros (VAT excluded) per 2024 for the audit of the financial statement sets of all companies of Panevezio statybos trestas AB Group located in Lithuania. This amount covers payment of the amount not exceeding 37,400 (thirty seven thousand four hundred) Euros (VAT excluded) per 2023 and the amount not exceeding 40,400 (forty thousand four hundred) Euros (VAT excluded) per 2024 for the audit of the financial statement sets of Panevezio statybos trestas AB for the years 2023 and 2024.

The financial statement sets for the years 2023 and 2024 will be subject to the audit in Panevezio statybos trestas AB, Hustal UAB, Vekada UAB, Skydmedis UAB and Alinita UAB, including necessary reviews of PS Trests SIA, Kingsbud SP Z.o.o., Seskines projektai UAB, PST investicijos UAB Group, Ateities projektai UAB, Aliuminio fasadai UAB, Tauro apartamentai UAB, for the purposes of consolidating.

2.2. The auditors for carrying out the audit in the companies of Panevezio statybos trestas AB Group located outside Lithuania following the legal acts regulating accounting and audits in the countries thereof, are selected at the discretion of the General Meetings of Shareholders at these companies. Payment for these audit services is not included in the payment for the audit of the financial statement sets of the companies of Panevezio statybos trestas AB Group, specified in item 1.1. hereinabove.

2.3. To delegate the Managing Director of Panevezio statybos trestas AB:

2.3.1 to sign the contract/contracts (and/or its/their appendixes) for carrying out the audit of the financial statement sets for the years 2023 and 2024, any integral parts of such contract/contracts, amendments of, supplements to the contract/contracts, hand-over statements and any other documents related to the proper implementation of the decision;

2.3.2 to initiate the General Meetings of Shareholders at the companies of Panevezio statybos trestas AB Group, by means of participation at the meetings thereof to ensure selection of the relevant audit companies and make sure these companies and their subsidiary companies comply with the procedure defined established by this decision.

2.4. The copies of the contracts and work completion certificates shall be provided to the parent company within 7 (seven) days from their signature.

For more information contact:

Egidijus Urbonas

Managing Director

Panevezio statybos trestas AB

Phone: (+370 45) 505 503



AB Panevezio statybos trestas įstatų projektas_EN