Orkuveita Reykjavíkur – Green Bond Auction October 4th

Reykjavík Energy (Orkuveita Reykjavíkur; OR) is holding a bond auction Wednesday, October 4th, 2023. Bond in the green bond classes OR020934 GB and OR180255 GB will be offered for sale.

OR020934 GB bears fixed indexed interests and pays equal payments every six months with a final maturity date of September 2, 2034. Previously, bonds with a nominal value of ISK 18,947 million have been issued in the class.

OR0180255 GB bears fixed indexed interest and pays equal payments every six months with a final maturity date of February 18, 2055. Previously, bonds with a nominal value of ISK 26,201 million have been issued in the class.

Fossar Investment Bank hf. oversees the issuance and sale of the bonds as well as their admission to trading on the Nasdaq sustainable bonds market in Iceland.

Bids must be submitted to the email address utbod@fossar.is before UTC 17:00 on Wednesday, October 4th, 2023. Transactions will be settled on Wednesday, October 11th, 2023.

Benedikt K. Magnússon, CFO, phone: 516-6100, email: benediktk@or.is

Matei Manolescu, Fossar Investment Bank, phone: 522 4008, email: matei.manolescu@fossarmarkets.com