Innofactor Plc: Share Repurchase 14.12.2023

Innofactor Plc Announcement 14.12.2023
Innofactor Plc: Share Repurchase 14.12.2023 
In the Helsinki Stock Exchange  
Trade date 14.12.2023 
Bourse trade Buy 
Share IFA1V 
Amount 4,300Shares
Average price/ share 1.1850EUR
Total cost 5,095.50EUR
Innofactor Plc now holds a total of 597 529 shares
including the shares repurchased on 14.12.2023
On behalf of Innofactor Plc  
Nordea Bank Oyj  
Janne Sarvikivi Sami Huttunen 
Additional information:  
Sami Ensio, CEO  
Innofactor Plc  
Tel. +358 50 584 2029  





Company ProfileInnofactor PlcInnofactor is the leading driver of the modern digital organization in the Nordic Countries for its about 1,000 customers in commercial and public sector. Innofactor has the widest solution offering and leading know-how in the Microsoft ecosystem in the Nordics. Innofactor has about 600 enthusiastic...Industry: SoftwareWebsite: