Aktsiaselts Infortar will hold an Investor Webinar to introduce the results of the fourth quarter and 12 months of 2023

Infortar will organize a webinar for investors on 26 February 2024 at 12:00 (EET) in Estonian and at 14:00 (EET) in English to introduce the fourth quarter and 12 month of 2023 results. The webinar will be attended by the chairman of the board of Infortar Ain Hanschmidt, the CEO of Infortar Martti Talgre and investor relations manager Kadri Laanvee. The webinar can be seen both live and as a recording on Infortar´s website www.infortar.ee. Questions can be sent to kadri.laanvee@infortar.ee before and during the webinar. The webinar is open to everyone and takes place without registration of participants.

Infortar operates in five countries, the company's main fields of activity are energy, maritime transport, and real estate. Infortar owns a 42% stake in AS Tallink Grupp, a 100% stake in AS Eesti Gaas and a versatile and modern real estate portfolio of approx. 100,000 m2. In addition to the three main areas of activity, Infortar also operates in construction and mineral resources, printing, taxi business and other areas. A total of 104 companies belong to the Infortar group: 48 subsidiaries, 5 affiliated companies and 50 subsidiaries of affiliated companies. Excluding affiliates, Infortar employs 1,333 people.

Kadri Laanvee

Investor Relations Manager
e-mail: kadri.laanvee@infortar.ee
phone: +372 5156662
