Aktsiaselts Infortar Unaudited Consolidated Interim Report for fourth quarter and 12 months of 2023

In 2023 Estonia´s largest investment holding company Aktsiaselts Infortar (hereinafter referred to as “Infortar”) increased its revenue to 1,084.6 million euros with profit reaching to 293.8 million euros. As of 31st of December, the Total assets of Infortar amounted to 1,462.2 million euros. The key drivers of the group’s financial performance are described below.

The chairman of the board of Infortar Ain Hanschmidt comments:

„All three core business segments performed well, achieving the best results in all financial indicators. Although the energy prices in the region stabilized at lower levels, Eesti Gaas, as one of the few energy companies, was able to significantly increase its volumes. Key factors driving our success include cross-border growth, ongoing investments in expansion, and the adaptability of our group companies. We have diversified risks across multiple segments in our investment portfolio and have successfully turned market challenges into opportunities. Record-breaking financial results enable us to proceed with extensive investment plans and the board proposes to pay one of the largest dividends of today's Tallinn Stock Exchange-listed companies in history to our more than 5200 shareholders, “noted Hanschmidt.

Webinar to present the results of Q4 2023

Today, February 26, 2023, at 12.00 EEST Infortar will host a webinar in Estonian and at 14.00 EEST in English to present and discuss its Q4 2023 results. To participate, please follow this www.infortar.ee

Major events


  • The group's electricity and gas sales volumes doubled in 2023, reaching a total of 15.9 TWh in Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland.
  • The most substantial investment in 2023 was the acquisition of Gaso, which owns the gas distribution network in Latvia. This led to a significant expansion in the infrastructure segment, complementing energy sales and production.

Maritime transport

  • In the maritime transport sector, Infortar continued to increase its shareholding in AS Tallink Grupp, and as of February 26, 2024, the ownership in AS Tallink Grupp stands at 42.33%.

Real estate

  • In the real estate sector, Infortar group major development projects included the construction of the logistics center in Saue and the new bridge in Pärnu, and the expansion of the Tallink logistics center.


Key figuresQ4 2023Q4 202212-month 202312-month 2022
Sales revenue, m€337,734442,5961 084,6261 053,712
Gross profit, m€42,23514,412149,473126,537
EBITDA, m€37,41810,000143,283120,046
EBITDA margin (%)11,1%2,3%13,2%11,4%
Net profit, EBIT, m€28,967-2,946123,62899,140
Total profit, m€24,206-1,674293,83096,124
Net profit from recurring business operations --144,830*107,124**
EPS (euros)***--14.635.13
Total equity821, 946568, 677821, 946568, 677
Total liabilities441,160427,205441,160427,205
Net debt354,045367,203354,045367,203
Long-term debt / EBITDA821, 9461.7x821, 9461.7x

* Includes a one-time profit of 159 million euros from the acquisition of Gaso, and in 2023, additional revaluations were made for newly added objects. With the revaluation of new objects, the impact of revaluations in 2023 is -10 million euros.
 Includes -11 million euros from the revaluation results of real estate portfolio assets that were fully operational in 2022.
*** The calculation is based on the number of shares as of 31.12.2023, totaling to 21 045 000 shares, from which the number of treasury shares, totaling to 945 000 shares, has been deducted. 


2023, the group's consolidated revenue increased by 30.9 million euros to 1,084.6 million euros (consolidated revenue for 2022 was 1,053.7 million euros). Revenue growth was driven by the increase in gas sales volumes and the expanded market share in the Baltic-Finnish region, reaching to 25%.

EBITDA and segment reporting

The annual EBITDA of the Energy segment was 135,9 million euros in 2023 (106.3 million euros in 2022). The profitability is not connected to the volatility of energy prices but rather to the increase in market share and the doubling of sales volumes. The group's subsidiary, AS Eesti Gaas, actively manages market price risks by utilizing regional natural gas storage options and using relevant financial derivative instruments        

The annual EBITDA of the Shipping segment was 214.5 million euros in the 2023 (135.8 million euros in 2022). Infortar consolidates the results of AS Tallink Grupp using the equity method, in accordance with its percentage of ownership in AS Tallink Grupp. However, in segment reporting, the results of Tallink Grupp AS, include 100% of the EBITDA, as it is in accordance with applicable accounting rules.

In the Real Estate segment, the profitability is assessed based on the EBITDA of separate real estate companies’ results. In 2023, the total annual EBITDA of real estate was 12.3 million euros (in 2022, the total annual EBITDA of real estate was 11.4 million euros). In 2023, three new buildings were added to the portfolio at the addresses Liivalaia 9, Tähesaju 9, and Tähesaju 11.

Net profit

The consolidated net profit for the year 2023 is 293.8 million euros (compared to 96.1 million euros in the year 2022). One-time significant transactions impacting the net profit include the acquisition of the Latvian gas distribution company Gaso and the effects of property revaluation. Non-recurring items affecting previous year net profit include the extraordinary profit booked from acquisition of the Latvian gas distribution company Gaso and the revaluation of the real estate portfolio. Infortar’s net profit from recurring operations (excluding non-recurring items, which affect comparability) is 144,8 million euros.

The consolidated operating profit for 2023 was 123.6 million euros (compared to 99.1 million euros in 2022).


In the past three years (2021-2023), Infortar Group has invested approximately 265 million euros, with the largest investment being the acquisition of Gaso in 2023.

Infortar will continue its investments in the future. Investments already planned for the years 2024 and 2025 totaling approximately 110 million euros. The major ongoing development projects include the establishment of a logistics center in Saue and the construction of a 4MW solar power plant in Latvia.


The total loan and leasing obligations in 2023 amounted to 441.2 million euros (compared to 427.2 million euros in 2022). Financing activities cash flow also includes the proceeds from the initial public offering, which amounted to 31.2 million euros.


According to the dividend policy confirmed on October 31, 2023, the objective is to pay dividends of at least 1 euro per share per fiscal year. Dividend payments are made semi-annually. Infortar Group’s management proposes to pay a dividend of 3 euros per share for the 2023 fiscal year results. According to the proposal, the first payout is planned to be made no later than June, and the second payout in December 2024. The dividend consists of three parts:

  • 1 euro per share, as per the dividend policy.
  • Carried-over dividend from AS Tallink Grupp, which is rounded upwards.
  • Additional dividend based on the high deliveries of the financial results in 2023.

AS Infortar has a total of 21,166,239 shares, of which 945,000 are company´s own shares. Dividends are therefore paid for 20,221,239 shares, which amounts to approximately 61 million euros.

Consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income

Unaudited, € thousand

Q4 2023

Q4 2022

12-month 2023


Revenue337 734442 5961 084 6261 053 712 
Cost of sales-295 499-428 184-935 153-927 175 
Gross profit/ loss42 23514 412149 473126 537 
Marketing expenses-511-413-1 620-1 408 
Administrative expenses-9 522-6 838-22 085-17 520 
Other operating income1 4584832 5232 275 
Other operating expenses-4 693-10 590-4 663-10 744 
Operating profit/ loss28 967-2 946123 62899 140 
Financial income5192 2062 7612 632 
Financial expenses-8 640-4 017136 412-8 227 
Profit (loss) from investments in the equity method1 9387 30239 6398 157 
Profit (loss) before tax22 7842 545302 440101 702 
Income tax expense1 422-4 219-8 610-5 578 
Net profit of the financial year24 206-1 674293 83096 124 
Equity holders of the Parent24 232-1 853293 77895 943 
Minority interests-2617952181 
Other comprehensive income     
Cash flow hedges - the effective portion of a change in fair value *  -58 23394 772 
Exchange rate differences from the translation of foreign subsidiaries  -423 
Total comprehensive income / loss for the financial year  235 555190 899 
Attributable to:     
Equity holders of the Parent  235 503190 718 
Minority interests

Ordinary earnings per share (in euros)

Diluted earnings per share (in euros)  14,5615,22 

* The revaluations of non-monetary derivative instruments in consolidated profits do not affect the profitability or cash flow generation ability of AS Eesti Gaas or Infortar's main business activities.

Consolidated statement of financial position

Unaudited, € thousand31.12.202331.12.2022
Cash and cash equivalents87 11560 002
Trade and other receivables197 261193 115
Prepayments26 339125 571
Prepayments for inventories146 88376 752
Total current assets457 598455 440
Investments to associates346 014296 061
Derivative and other financial assets1 12512 866
Long-term loans9 06515 716
Long-term requirements820
Investment property176 024160 540
Property, plant and equipment446 748147 724
Intangible assets14 3668 853
Right-of-use assets11 30010 192
Total non-current assets1 004 650651 972
TOTAL ASSETS1 462 2481 107 412
Interest-bearing loans and borrowings185 868266 308
Payables to suppliers74 75119 845
Tax obligations32 82231 135
Buyers' advances3 09910 169
Other current liabilities15 9736 766
Total current liabilities312 513334 223
Interest-bearing loans and borrowings255 292160 897
Other long-term liabilities30 86518 076
Long-term provisions8 399649
Deferred taxes33 23324 890
Total non-current liabilities327 789204 512
Total liabilities640 302538 735
Share capital2 1051 985
Own shares-95-95
Share premium31 0800
Reserve capital28 14384 162
risk hedging reserve*24 07482 307
Unrealized currency translation differences-393
Retained earnings466 140385 947
Net profit of the financial year293 77895 943
Total equity attributable to equity holders of the Parent821 112567 945
Minority interests834732
Total equity821 946568 677

*This represents a change in the accounting for risk management positions, which affects the consolidated profit result.

Consolidated statement of cash flows

Unaudited, € thousand

12-month 2023

12-month 2022

Cash flows from operating activities   
Net profit of the financial year302 440101 702 
Adjustments:-104 374-39 818 
Income tax paid-267-4 051 
Changes in assets related to op.activities52 804-116 072 
Changes in inventories-61 9153 667 
Changes in liabilities related to op.activities-59155 611 
Net cash from operating activities188 0971 039 
Cash flows from investing activities   
Acquisition / reduction of capital of associates-113 727-4 895 
Given loans0-6 438 
Paybacks from given loans, and interest gain9 342992 
Purchases of property, plant and equipment-18 144-14 250 
Purchases Investment property-18 556-23 881 
Net cash used in investing activities-141 085-48 472 
Cash flows from financing activities   
Received government grants03 251 
Changes in overdraft14 349-9 456 
Proceeds from borrowings130 567193 397 
Repayments of borrowings-155 808-98 833 
Repayment of finance lease liabilities-2 233-2 037 
Interest paid-22 224-7 960 
Dividends paid-15 750-16 110 
Proceeds from share emission31 2000 
Net cash used in financing activities-19 89962 252 
TOTAL NET CASH FLOW27 11314 819 
Cash at the beginning of the year60 00245 183 
Cash at the end of the period87 11560 002 
Net (decrease)/increase in cash27 11314 819 

Infortar operates in five countries, the company's main fields of activity are energy, maritime transport, and real estate. Infortar owns a 42,3% stake in AS Tallink Grupp, a 100% stake in AS Eesti Gaas and a versatile and modern real estate portfolio of approx. 110,000 m2. In addition to the three main areas of activity, Infortar also operates in construction and mineral resources, printing, taxi business and other areas. A total of 103 companies belong to the Infortar group: 47 subsidiaries, 5 affiliated companies and 50 subsidiaries of affiliated companies. Excluding affiliates, Infortar employs 1,308 people.

Additional information:
Kadri Laanvee
Investor Relations Manager
Phone: + 372 5156662
e-mail: kadri.laanvee@infortar.ee




Infortar_aruanne 31.12.2023_ENG Infortar - Q4 and 12 months 2023 results_ENG