ABC arbitrage Report on the Combined General Meeting of 7 June 2024

ABC arbitrage
Report on the Combined General Meeting
of 7 June 2024

The Combined General Meeting of ABC Arbitrage, chaired by Dominique CEOLIN, Chairman and CEO, was held on Friday 7 June, 2024 and adopted all the resolutions proposed to it. The documents detailing the votes, resolution by resolution, for the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting, as well as the presentation, have been published on the company's website (

Nomination - Among the resolutions adopted, shareholders decided to renew the term of office of AUBÉPAR INDUSTRIES SE, represented by Mr Xavier CHAUDERLOT, for a period of 4 years, i.e. until the close of the General Meeting called to approve the financial statements for the year ending 31 December, 2027.

Dividend - Taking into account the payments of €0.10 per share in October and December 2023, plus the interim dividend of €0.10 per share in April 2024, distributions for the 2023 financial year amount to €0.30 per share.

As a reminder, ABC arbitrage intends to pay interim dividends of €0.10 per share in October 2024, December 2024 and April 2025. These distributions will have to be confirmed by the various future Boards of Directors, in compliance with the legal constraints in force.

Group’s activity - The Combined General Meeting was also an opportunity for the company to confirm that the average pace of activity for 2024 is close to the average for the 2023 financial year.
The Group's pace of activity is close to the financial aggregate Net revenues presented in the Group's management report. It is a form of gross income (before charges, taxes and any other positive/negative exceptional impacts). As far as expenses for 2024 are concerned, as explained today, the Group expects HR expenses to rise by around €2 million over the full 2024 financial year.

Webinar of 3 June - As a reminder, a webinar presented by Dominique CEOLIN was held on Monday 3 June 2024. The presentation is available on the company's website ( and the replay can be accessed via the link available on the General Meeting page of the company's website (

Answers to written questions submitted in advance of the Annual General Meeting will be available as usual on the Company's website under the heading General Meeting (

All this information is available on the group's website at the following link:

Contacts :
Relations actionnaires :
Relations presse: VERBATEE /
EURONEXT Paris - Compartiment B
ISIN : FR0004040608
Reuters  BITI.PA / Bloomberg ABCA FP



ABCA CP AG 2024 compte rendu EN.docx (1)